naked girls, sleazy guys, vodka, deep v's
staying responsible for no one but myself
I'd like to meet:
Male Birth-Control Pill
Scientists are reportedly close to perfecting a birth-control pill for men that will stop the development of sperm. What do you think?
California Citrus In Danger
The recent west-coast cold snap is jeopardizing the California citrus industry. What do you think?
California Raises Malt Beverage Tax
Responding to criticism that liquor companies were targeting underage drinkers, the California legislature voted to raise the taxes on sweetened malt...
Burger King Going Cageless
Burger King announced that it would begin buying pork and eggs from farms that do not cage or crate their animals. What do you think?
Porn Viewed By Young
A study published by the journal Pediatrics says that nearly half of Internet-using children, ages 10 to 17, have seen pornographic images....
i like netflix, a lot.
ellen von unwerth, please tell me all about her.