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Virtual Cop - Flash Game
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What do you mean,"I don't believe in God"?I talk to him everyday.What do you mean,"I don't support your system"?I go to court when I have to.What do you mean,"I can't get to work on time"?I got nothing better to do.And, what do you mean,"I don't pay my bills"?Why do you think I'm broke? Huh?If there is the new way,I'll be the first in line.But, it better work this time.What do you mean,"I hurt your feelings"?I didn't know you had any feelings.What do you mean,"I ain't kind"?I'm just not your kind.What do you mean,"I couldn't be president of the U.S.A."?Tell me something, it's still"We the people,"right?Can you put a price on peace?Peace,Peace sells...Peace sells...Peace sells..., but who's buying?Peace sells..., but who's buying?Peace sells..., but who's buying?Peace sells..., but who's buying?No, peace sells...