FloridaFunk.com has relaunched!
FloridaFunk.com is dedicated to FL's Electronic music scene.
If you lover those funky-dope electronic beats, or if you're a Producer, DJ, MC, Record Label, Record Store,
Club, Promotor or Distributor,
then go sign up for your FloridaFunk.com profile today.
We're dedicated to promoting FL's Underground scene.
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Much more coming soon!
"J" style on FloridaFunk.com
Florida Funk's MySpace
I live by two mottos :
1. Live each day out to its fullest.
2. Speak softly, but play on a LOUD system.
I also work w/ an I.T. company – www.interactivestudios.net .
So if you're in need of a pimp web site, tight graphics, hosting space
or anything else I.T., LOOK NO FURTHER.