Check out our new line of guitar amps called "The Jack 18" and "The Jack 66". These are our first models with two channels! Vintage clean combined with massive high gain capacities - veeeery cool!
Here is a statement from the German guitar magazine "Gitarre&Bass" about the Jack 18: "... especially the model "The Jack" picked up one's ears. Courageous and stand alone conception inter alia on basis of one EF86 and two EL84. Channel 1 offers silky Vintage-Clean-Performance, channel 2 gets straight down to the nitty-gritty with it's true highgain brown sound. Exceptional mix, outstanding tone - perhaps the most thrilling retro-boutique-amp at the [Frankfurt Music] fair..."
For more information on "The Jack" please visit
Check out Mr. Thomas Marchand demoing his Bulldog Amplification Thomas Marchand Signature Mini Man - 6 watt that really rock. Thanks for this great video!
Check out Mr. Innes Sibun using our Bulldog Amps Studiobreaker 14/7 and Studiobreaker 28 at his gig in Bremen/Germany! Thanks for this nice evening Innes - and also thanks for playing my Ruokangas Duke TwinSonic out there! Great songs, great band, great playing and great singing - with a sore throat! That..s Rock..n..Roll! Ah, and hey... great sound bro.. ;-)
Bulldog Amplification builds handcrafted tube amps in a perfect way. Years of experience in repairing and modifying have lead to this exclusive line of guitar amplifiers. These instruments are built to produce the best possible tone. Most of today..s amps offer many different sounds and functions. But - the guitar signal has to pass all these cirquits until it reaches the speaker - this weakens the tone! But tone is the most important thing for us! Very short signal paths and high quality parts are standard in our amps.
If you want to know more about our amps visit our Bulldog homepage to inform about our products! Each amp is described detailly.
Check out the Studiobreaker amp demo by Christer Fredriksen from Norway!
Part Strat with Kinman AVN68 Pickups, starting in neck position.No effects
Part Played with Rat Pedal no effects!
Part clean Jazzy Played with ESP Tele Neck Pickup"Stormy Monday" has been recorded by the German blues band TheMojoExpress . Check them out!
Bulldog Amplification baut in reiner Handarbeit Röhrenamps in Perfektion. Jahrelange Erfahrung im modifizieren, reparieren und die daraus resultierenden Erkenntnisse, wie ein Amp solide und mit dem besten Ton gebaut wird haben zu diesen Amps geführt.
Bei den meisten Amps geht es heutzutage nur noch um möglichst viele Features und den Kunden blendende aber die Funktion verschlechternde Gimmicks.
Bei Bulldog steht der Ton an erster Stelle, dies führt dazu das unsere Amps mit aller kürzesten Signalwegen und nur den besten Bauteilen bestückt sind.
Wenn sie neugierig geworden sind und mehr über die Technik und Philosophie von Bulldog Amplification wissen wollen, kontaktieren sie uns und wir beraten sie gerne.
Alle Produkte sind nur über den Fachhandel erhältlich!
Alle Bulldog Amps erfüllen die Richtlinien der CE,RohS und der WEEE Registierung.
Hört euch das Sound-Sample des Studiobreaker an! Unser Freund Christer Fredriksen aus Norwegen hat es für uns aufgenommen!
Part Strat with Kinman AVN68 Pickups, starting in neck position.No effects
Part Played with Rat Pedal no effects!
Part clean Jazzy Played with ESP Tele Neck Pickup"Stormy Monday" wurde von der deutschen Blues Band TheMojoExpress aufgenommen. Check them out!