I like to talk from everything. Except one. I hate politics. Yes I have hobbies and i like to hang out with my friends. My one thing you must know, im a real collector. I collecting cars like Aston Martins, Ferraris, and Mercedes. Cards, anime figures, i always have things to collect. Anime? Yes, im a real anime and manga fan. I have a big collection from figures. Don't think im a boring people. Cause i love the extreme sports, and situations. After i had harder and harder crashes in the races, i don't have fears to do crazy things:-). But i love the peaceful things, like golf, and snooker. I love football, baseball, and yes, i admit, i love volleyball. I love dancing really, modern and classic dances too. I love to hang out with friends, i love the clubs, and the races. Carshows, airshows, and thanks to my pilot licence i had i was 14 only, i love to flying. I love something not all the peoples do, but really great. I love to learn languages. I learn languages, like German, French, Japanese, Spanish, and now i want to learn perfect Italian. I love to traveling, and see new places, or see the old places again. Find new friends, or see again the old friends.
I have not one place, flat or house in the country, and in the world. Don't ask the number. In some place i have private hotel rooms, thats my, if i go there, they give me, even if somebody was there. Why? If you meet me closer you understand, but one reason is, i traveling lot of times.
Other reason my style;-)
Drinks. Im a drinker type, and not drunk. I drink everyday a Vodkamartini. Yes, Shaken, not stirred!:-)
I never say no for an Irish Wisky, or a wine. In wine only Italian, French, or Spanish. If the situation is perfect, there is the French champagnes. Sometimes a Baileys.
I know where i must stop. Wait, you thought i drinking only
water and juice? :-D
Cars. This is a big thing to me. I have more cars than you think. But if i don't use more a car, i sell them. Why? The cars is made for races, not to standing in a garage! I have permission from almost all car company, to change the cars i have. Why strange? Aston Martin DB9 that makes 700km/h? Not a joke, i have a secret car maker company, we makes cars for races, and for racers. If you want one(you have really money) just send me a message, and we talk about the details. Some of the newest cars in the slideshow, and the three pictures is 3 of the rarest cars in my collection! But i have more, like a Mercedes CLK GTR1 thanks to German Mobile1, Ferrari 360 Modena Le Mans, Aston Martin DB9 GTR Le Mans From Russian Age Racing, and Porsche Cayenne Black Design from the Porsche company. The 3 you see here is my
Ferrari Enzo 2004 GTR Prototype from Ferrari Maranello, Bugatti Veyron 2008 from a racer friend, and my Aston Martin DB9 GTRS Le Mans from the Aston Martin Racing. You seen last this beauty in Germany, on the world carshow.
How i did this? Im not just racer, but im a great businessman:-)
TrophiesI have till now more than 50 trophies. 56. I do my best always on the races. The full list. I had big fight for every trophies i have today!
Balaton Street 1.st place 1998
Somogy Street 1.st place 1998
Dunántúl Tuner Winner 1998
Hungarian Illegal Drag Champion 1998
Hungary Street Champion 1998
Europe Racer Champion 1998
Pursuit Cup Europe 1999 Winner
German Racer 1999
Europe Crash Champion 1999
Austria Night Racer 1999
Central Europe Tuners Champion 1999
Euro Tuner Champion 1999
Challenge Racer 2000 Winner
Rage Racer 2000
Crossroads Challenge 2000 Winner
Europe Streetracer Champion 2000
Europe Tuners Champion 2000
English Racer 2000
Exotic Cars Europe Champion 2000
Street Weekend 2001
One Style 2001 Winner
Coolcars First Place 2001
Europe Drag Champion 2001
Best Team 2001
RacerX 2002 Winner
Europe Best Racers 2002
Hungary Street Champion 2002
Sprint Racer 2002 Winner
Europe Racer Champion 2002
Titan Racers 2002
1000km Challenge 2003 Winner
Russian Tuners 2003 First Place
FDR Euro Tuner Champion 2003
FDR NOS Europe Champion 2003
FDR German Racer 2004
FDR Challenge Racer 2004 Winner
FDR Sport World Champion 2004
FDR Energetic Night 2004
FDR VIP Races 2005
FDR Euro Stars 2005 Winner
FDR Global Racer Champion 2005
FDR Coolcars 2005
FDR Drag World Champion 2005
FDR US Tuners 2006 First Place
FDR Night Racer 2006 Winner
FDR USA ISR Champion 2006
FDR Professional 2006 Winner
FDR USA first Class Champion 2006
FDR Racer Of The Year 2006
FDR USA Team Champion 2007
FDR First Class World Champion 2007
FDR Team World Champion 2007
FDR Offroad World Champion 2007
FDR Super World Champion 2007
FDR All Class World Champion 2008
FDR Racer Of The Year 2007
FDR Private Challenge 2008 Winner
Some of my trophies(not all) slideshow:
SponsorsSome of my sponsors. If you want to be my sponsor, send me a message or mail, if you are my sponsor, and you want to see here your banner, send me a message with your emblem you want to see in the page. Thanks my every sponsors, without you i can't make it!
I want to meet as much peoples as i can! I love to meet new peoples. I like to see models, and everybody from the model and or playboy world. I have lot of friends from this two great and sometimes hard world.
Girls, i know i must say something. I had crush and crash in my life, i know what is the fights in love. My first true love died when i was 18. I had years without any girls after. I had girlfriends, and love in my life. I know my weakness is the girls, but if i love a girl, i never cheat her. Im hopeless romantic, but im not hopeless! I agree everything, but i don't like if a girl still silent after half year. Not just girls needing love, guys too!
What i want? I try to find the girl, who love me for my person, and i try to find the real, my future's wife.
Name: Leslie Black (Szalay)
Birthday: 1983 17th of June
Birthplace: Hungary, Kaposvar
Current Location: San Fransisco
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark brown, some people say black.
Height: 6 feets
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: Italian, Hungarian, German, Czechoslovakian, and British
The Shoes You Wore Today: Gent's footwear
Your Weakness: Love, girls, races, and sweet surprises. Miniskirt*blushed*
Your Fears: Alone in a dark room, without anybody ghosts everywhere.
Your Perfect Pizza: I love all of them, but the real one is the Italian.
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: I want a sweet love, girlfriend, and i want to win as much championship as possible!
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: :-D, OMG, lol, just
Thoughts First Waking Up: My love the first, and i want little more time the second:-D
Your Best Physical Feature: My eyes
Your Bedtime: Hehe..I don't have really. From 11pm to 3-4am. Depending on that, i racing, training, or i have a normal day!
Your Most Missed Memory: My childhood, my father. Aw dad, its a really little time was!
Pepsi or Coke: Both and neither. I drink Pepsi sometimes, i drink with Wisky only Coke.
MacDonalds or Burger King: MacDonalds! But why not here the KFC? Yummy! Thats hot!
Single or Group Dates: Single. Gropup dates is fun for a minute, but you can't do anything. How i say, thats not private!
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: I love the tea i do myself, or do my mom!:-) But in races i drink sometimes Nestea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Neither. I drink banana milk, or hot chocolate.
Do you Smoke: No
Do you Swear: Sometimes
Do you Sing: Yes, almost all times. Any place anytime:-)
Do you Shower Daily: Yes, but sometimes i sleep before i go there:-D
Have you Been in Love: I was more times than you think!
Do you want to go to College: I was, not my world. I live my dreams, not dream my life!
Do you want to get Married: Yes, of course! This is my biggest goal!
Do you belive in yourself: If i don't do that, now im died. This is not a joke!
Do you get Motion Sickness: Sometimes
Do you think you are Attractive: Yes. I hope:-)
Are you a Health Freak: Not really, but i try to protect myself, and i love to feel the energy.
Do you get along with your Parents: My dad died, my mother is the second in my life! YES!
Do you like Thunderstorms: If not here not now, not for me:-D But sometimes i love to see it. lol
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yes
In the past month have you been on Drugs: drugs? NOOO Medicine? Yes, in the past week, thanks to my hard accident
In the past month have you gone on a Date: No:-(
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yes, i love to go and buy things. Yes, a man who love shopping:-D
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: No
In the past month have you been on Stage: No
In the past month have you been Dumped: No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: No
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No
Ever been Drunk: Yes
Ever been called a Tease: yes
Ever been Beaten up: Yes, but i had fight until my last breath
Ever Shoplifted: I admit yes. I was child, and stole a lego from a toyshop
How do you want to Die: Without regrets, and with that, i lived the life!
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: A happy husband with children.
What country would you most like to Visit: I don't have really, but the most sweet is Paris and Venice
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Its not important. If her eyes like the stars, she won my heart
Favourite Hair Color: It doesn’t matter
Short or Long Hair: I love the long hair.
Height: I like if a girl is less than me, but its not important
Weight: It doesn’t matter. But i don't want an elephant.
Best Clothing Style: If she looks sexy, or looks like a princess in anything, she is my girl!
Number of Drugs I have taken: Drugs is never! Medicine? i need sometimes, if i have injures.
Number of CDs I own: This is a stupid question
Number of Piercings: 0
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of things in my Past I Regret: I don't know anything i regret. Happened anything, its helped me, and thanks to that im here now!
I love every great music, that makes me move, or makes me sing. I love rock, pop, hiphop, everything. Yes, i have favorites, like Rise Against, Linkin Park, Roots, Eminem, Xzibit, Avril Lavigne etc..I have secret favorites, don't ask, hey, secret:-)
But i have two all time favorite. The first is my ideal, Frank Sinatra, the real gentleman, and the man who can make me singing anytime. He said:
May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine. Its true. He is the man, who always makes my day, and i love to hear his songs anytime! The other man, i really admire him, is Toto Cutugno. I was only 7 when i heard him first, the L'italiano. Was one week, and i signed that song. Haha, now i know after im half Italian, why i loved from the first second him. He made romantic songs, that makes the heart melting down. He made songs, that makes my day!
Every movies that have more than i see you once and bye! Like? like the Pretty Woman, Transformers, Ratatouille, Aliens, Terminator, 300, Fast and Furious, Ocean's series. I can't say all. There is the Jurassic Park, the Police Academy, the Hitman and much, much more! Yes, im a movie fan! My all time favorite is James Bond movies! 007 forever!
Im a really strange type. Sometimes i see any series, sometimes nothing. But some of the lot of shows i see and love: 24, Simspon, JAG, Knight Rider, Aircops, Cobra11, Columbo, and i love the anime-manga series. Like Evangelion, Card Captor Sakura , Cowboy Bebop, Death Note, Full Metal Panic, Naruto..etc. I love to see the animal planet, and discovery channel too. Steve Irwin my one favorite was. My All time favorite? I think its Simson, Columbo, and i don't care others what say, Pokemon:-D
Huh, i really read every great books, i can't say it. Scifi, Romantic, Thriller, Horror, Document, Poems, everything. One thing i hate. Sorry, but i don't love Harry Potter. I don't know why really, but i hate that! If you ask my all time favorite, the scary, fantastic, and super book, is the Earthsound by Arthur Herzog. This is the book, that made me a really sleepless night when i saw first. Its a super thriller. I write books(until now i wrote 2 in EU) and if i have time, ill write a new book. I began, only no time to finish.Be patient:-) I write poems too, but only for friends and for girls;-) Maybe one day i find a publisher, and make a poem book.
First is my father and mother! If they not, im not here..
My father wasn't with me too long time, but before died, he teached me, how i living like a gentleman..
My mother, she was with me, she helped me a lot, and she teached me, not the money the first, and what is the first in the life! LOVE!
Robert my race teacher, if he wasn't there, im not here! He teached me the basics in racing, and helped me at the beginings.. Rest in peace Robert!:-(..
Playboy world. Hugh Hefner, Jürgen Feldmann and everybody in this nice world! I learnt from them, if you pay the cost, every dreams come true! Just live for today!
James Bond: He is the biggest gentleman!
Jack Bauer: He is the hero! I say more? The name is Jack Bauer!
Jedis: They are the most benevolent beings!