My name is Erzsébet Báthory; Elizabeth Bathory in your English tongue. I am called the "Blood Countess" of seventeenth-century Hungary. I am a Hungarian noblewoman, born to one of Hungary's wealthiest and most influential families. I began suffering from epileptic fits at the age of four or five, and though my erratic fits and aristocratic personality kept the servants busy, I was regarded as an intelligent and capable young woman.
At a young age, I witnessed the execution of a traitorous gypsy; the accused was stuffed in the dissected belly of a live horse and sewn inside. The gypsy's death was presented as a public spectacle; no sympathy was shown for the man's death nor was any remorse present on the faces of his executioners. This incident convinced me that commoners could be killed with impunity and without fear of retribution.
At the age of eleven I became engaged to twenty-six-year-old Count Fernencz Nadasdy, a renowned war hero whose sadistic flair would ultimately earn him fame as "The Black Hero of Hungary." I hated him. It was a purely politcal marraige, as were so many royal marraiges in my time, but I did not mind, as it gave me more power, and he was absent most of our marraige anyway.
In my early twenties, in a fit of boredom, I discovered that torturing servants was rather appealing. My choice targets were adolescent girls. I began by ripping their bodies apart with red-hot pincers, setting them on fire, and torturing them with "star-kicking", which entailed oiled bits of paper being placed inbetween the servants' toes; the paper would be lit on fire while I delighted in the spectacle of the girls attempting to kick away the utterly delightful.
One day, an impudent servant girl pulled my hair whilst styling it. Of course, I slapped the girl so hard that blood splashed upon my hand. As I went to wipe it off, I observed that the skin touched by the blood had regained the smooth, creamy complexion for which it had once been famous.
I consulted my accomplices - witches known as Darvulia, Helena Jo, and Dorka - who assured me that the blood of virgins was indeed the proverbial fountain of youth for those who bathed in it. I immediately ordered the maid's throat slashed and her blood drained into a large vat; then I bathed lavishly in the blood while it was still warm. I wanted more.
Hundreds of girls were then kidnapped, brought to the castle, and drained of their blood. Often I bit their necks and breasts myself, drinking the blood and eating the flesh from their open wounds. I ordered torture devices from German clockmakers and blacksmiths; soon Csjethe Castle had a full-scale torture chamber in the basement.
After about 600 murders (I kept a ledger of the girls in my writing desk) a clergyman notified King Matthias of Hungary, who commissioned my cousin, Count Thurzo, to conduct an investigation of my...activities. A raid on the castle proved ghastlier than Thurzo and his men had prepared themselves for: one dead girl in the main hallway, another, still alive, whose entire body had been pierced with holes, and several more hung from the rafters of the basement ceiling like gutted deer, their blood emptying into my now-legendary vat. Fifty bodies were exhumed from the basement of the castle; the roster, discovered in my desk, listed the names of 650 girls who had been murdered.
I was placed under castle arrest and was not allowed to attend my court sessions. I could not testify at my own trial. I was ordered walled into a small chamber in my castle, with only a small hole left open for air and food. I would have recieved a worse sentance, if it were not for my noble blood. After refusing the services of a battalion of priests, I was found dead in my prison in 1614, three years after my initial imprisonment. I was fifty-four years old.