Missy Worth
follow moshpitqueen at http://twitter.com
music saved my life
Alfred Hitchcock movies, M Night movies, Seven, Memento, Bruce Lee films -Jet Lee, Jackie Chan works for me, Patch Adams, Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings, Alien, Mad Max, The Bone Collector, Metropolis, Labyrinth, Resident Evil, The Legend of Billie Jean, Forrest Gump, Napoleon Dynamite, The Pursuit of Happyness ...dah too many to list. I usually watch anything....
BUFFY & ANGEL :), Supernatural, Smallville, The Apprentice, Bones, House, Mythbusters, Heroes, and any of the crime dramas...I always wanted to study forensic science.
edgar allan poe, bunnicula (the vampire bunny), books by albert camus, the trial by kafka, einsteins dreams, waiting for godot, comic books (witchblade, sandman, x-men)
witchblade Sara Pezzini, buffy, jackie joyner-kersee
You Are a Chick Rocker!
You're living proof that chicks can rock
You're inspired by Joan Jett and the Donnas
And when you rock, you rock hard
(Plus, you get all the cute guy groupies you want!) What Kind of Rocker Are You?
Alice Cooper....
You come across as having a twisted creative mind
and a liking for the dark. You are dark and
mysterious. You also have a very strong moral
outlook on life and are quite smart. Probably
a good person with a wild side or a wild person
with a good side. Either way. You can be
entertaining without using substances either.
Which rockstar are you like?
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