Movies, girls with crazy eyes, crime, corner bars, politics, sharks, working out of doors, hanging out with my dogs, survival skills, baseball, the 19th century, useless trivia, Saturday matinees, long nights, early mornings, rainy days, blues riffs, playing hooky, procrastinating, making movies.
Anybody who's done anything I haven't done. And my grandfathers, who died before my time but cast long shadows on me.
yeah they're okay
Ellroy, Wambaugh, Winslow, Leonard, McCarthy, McMurtry, Maurer, Steinbeck, Cain, Updike, Mamet, Carver, King, Slim, Keruoac, Seuss, Salinger, Fante, Joyce, Melville, Herr, LeCarre, Bunker, Bukowski, Ross McDonald, Arnold Bennett, Charles Schulz, the poetry of Michael Madsen and my friend Hugh Scott who writes really cool short stories.
mom & dad, Werner Herzog, Warren Oates, Jon Krakauer, Charles Dickens, Robert Kennedy, John Henry, Frank Serpico, Roy Scheider.