hanging out with cracker, going to parties, being in school lunches, staying away from mice,being eaten... lots of stuff
jack...yes jack cheese , ive never had the pleasure of meeting him myself, but it would be nice to see for myself whats so good about him. that and id like to hang out with any cheese lovers in general. ill tell u who i wouldnt like to meet... mice, those BASTARDS!
chedder daddy, pimp daddy jack, spice cheese, the cheese, green cheese, NYCHEESE, all american cheese, happy cows, head shoulders knees and toes,blink 180cheese... i dont know theres just so many
nija turtles,when cats attack (mice), buffy the cheese maker, and so on so on
i dont really get to see much T.V unless theres a party , im usally hanging out in the frig, but i do find time to watch some shows, queer as cheese,will and cheese, c-h-e-e-s-e,that 70yr old cheese ect.
the cat who said cheese, who stole my cheese, you cant catch me im the stinky cheese man...
COWS, and the process of mold... without them im nothing