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About Me

With her unique talent and vocal style, Kenya’s sound is best described as classic soul and R&B with a modern twist. Growing up in Iceland, Kenya fell in love with music through the recordings of groups such as Earth, Wind and Fire and Bob Marley & The Wailers; at that point she was hooked and had found her sound. Although she has written poems, the thought of songwriting was viewed as such a huge task until she stumbled upon the realization that writing songs and poems was basically synonymous.
Kenya has been singing from the early age of three, but her first live performance was a tribute to Motown produced by Mark Anthony. Shortly after the Motown tribute show finished in the fall of 2004, she formed Kenya Nemor with Jason Harden. The duet recorded “Touch Me Taste Me”, a smooth R&B tune which she performed at the 2006 Iceland Airwaves to good reviews.
When the duo disbanded, Kenya regrouped with a fresh-face and adamant determination to succeed and embarked on a solo career which has honed her vocal and songwriting abilities. Jason went behind the glass as was one of the producers on her forth coming album along with world known producer Pismo and critically acclaimed musicians Eyþór Gunnarsson and Jóhann Ásmundsson from Mezzoforte. Mixing was done by James “Bonzai” Caruso, who won a Grammy for his work with Damion Marley and Valgeir Sigurðsson who has previously worked with established artists such as Björk and Bonnie “Prince” Billy.
As she continues to develop her project she has attracted the likes of producer Aaron Whitby whose resume includes seasoned artists such as Mary J Blige, Santana, Rodney Holmes and Natalie Cole. On her tracts “You stir Me Up”, “This Is Real”, “Just Because”, “Touch Me Taste Me” and “Hot Dancing”, she features an array of instrumental talent featuring Fred Cash Jr on bass who has worked with India Arie, Alicia Keys, Curtis Mayfield and Luther Vandross. Michael “Dino” Campbell is featured on the electrical guitar and has worked with Freddie Jackson, Keith Washington, Phillip Bailey and The Temptations. Kevin “K-Dog” Johnson is featured on the drums and has worked with greats such as Ashford and Simpson, Johnathon Butler, Patti Austin and Stephanie Mills. Last but surely not least, Norman Hedman on the congas whose worked with artists Des’ree, Mya, The Ojays and the legendary Earth, Wind and Fire and has appeared on David Letterman as well as the Jay Leno show.
Kenya is the total package; she encompasses talent, charm and is passionate about her craft bringing everything she’s got in each performance. Recently, she performed Kenya Unplugged in Gaukur á Stöng supported by current Bjartur Guðmundsson (percussions), Sigurdór Guðmundsson (bass), Sigurður Rögnvaldsson (guitar), Kjartan Guðnason (drums),Egill Antonsson (key boards), Jason Harden (sax/keys) and Ástrós Elísdóttir and Svana Kristín Elísdóttir (back vocals).
With a highly experienced band backing her along with Kenya’s luminous vocal talent she will be releasing an arsenal of powerful songs and will soon be sharing her musical dreams with the rest of the world via her highly anticipated album due out this fall.

My Interests


Member Since: 5/27/2007
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Tónlist Kenyu er best lýst sem R&B með nýtískulegu ívafi. Á uppvaxtarárum sínum í Kópavoginum urðu hljómsveitir eins og Earth, Wind and Fire og Bob Marley & The Wailers í miklu uppáhaldi hjá henni og upp frá því átti tónlistin hug hennar allan og má segja að þá hafi hún fundið sinn hljóm.
Þrátt fyrir að Kenya hafi skrifað ljóð frá barnæsku þá óaði hana við að semja tónlist þar til einn daginn að henni varð ljóst hve skyld þessi listform eru. Hún hefur sungið frá þriggja ára aldri en frumraun hennar í tónlistarflutningi var þegar hún var rúmlega tvítug. Þá tók hún þátt í Motown tónleikum framleiddum af Mark Anthony. Skömmu eftir að Motown lauk um haustið 2004 mynduðu hún og Jason Harden tvíeykið Kenya Nemor. Þau tóku upp lagið Touch me taste me, R&B lag sem hún flutti á Iceland Airwaves 2006 við góðar undirtektir.

Tvíeykið leystist upp en Kenya hélt ótrauð áfram staðföst í að ná árangri hóf hún sinn sólóferil og hefur síðan skerpt hæfni sína bæði á lagasmíðum og söng. Samvinna þeirra heldur áfram en nú er Jason einn af framleiðendum á komandi plötu hennar ásamt heimskunna framleiðandanum Pismo.
Kenya hélt nýlega kynningartónleika á Gauki á Stöng en þar spiluðu undir þeir Bjartur Guðmundsson á ásláttarhljóðfæri, Sigurdór Guðmundsson á bassa, Sigurður Rögnvaldsson á gítar, Kjartan Guðnason á trommur, Egill Antonsson á hljómborð, Jason Harden á hljómborð og saxafón. Systurnar Ástrós og Svana Kristín Elísdætur sungu bakraddir.
Von er á fyrstu plötu Kenyu fyrir jól. Á plötunni vinna tónlistamenn á heimsmælikvarða með henni, svo sem Eyþór Gunnarsson og Jóhann Ásmundsson úr Mezzoforte. James “Bonzai” Caruso sér um hljóðblönduna en hann vann til Grammy verðlauna fyrir hljóðblöndun fyrir Damion Marley. Valgeir Sigurðsson sér einnig um hljóðblöndun en hann hefur meðal annars unnið með listamönnum eins og Björk Guðmundsdóttur og Bonnie “Prince” Billy.
Á meðan á gerð plötunnar stóð vakti Kenya athygli framleiðandandans Aarons Whitbys og vann nokkur lög með honum en hann hefur meðal annars unnið með Mary J Blige, Santana, Rodney Holmes og Natalie Cole.
Í lögum Kenyu “You stir Me Up”, “This Is Real”, “Just Because”, “Touch Me Taste Me” og “Hot Dancing”, spila miklir hæfileikamenn undir eins og Fred Cash Jr bassaleikari sem hefur unnið með India Arie, Alicia Keys, Curtis Mayfield og Luther Vandross. Michael “Dino” Campbell spilar einnig á rafmagnsgítar en hann hefur t.d. unnið með Freddie Jackson, Keith Washington, Phillip Bailey og The Temptations. Á trommur spilaði Kevin “K-Dog” Johnson en hann hefur unnið með t.d. Ashford and Simpson, Johnathon Butler, Patti Austin og Stephanie Mills. Síðast en ekki síst ber að nefna Norman Hedman á Bongotrommum en hann hefur meðal annars starfað með Des’ree, Mya, The Ojays og hinum goðsagnarkenndu Earth, Wind and Fire, hann hefur einnig komið fram í sjónvarpsþáttum Davids Lettermans og Jays Lenos.
Record Label: KGEM Island
Type of Label: Indie