El Profe profile picture

El Profe

Young, Gifted, and Brown.

About Me

Rich Villar's written work appears in the journals Rattapallax 13 and Parse: Alchemy as well as the online journal RogueScholars.com. In 2004, he appeared with Team NYC-louderARTS at the National Poetry Slam; in 2005, he was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. He has read, lectured, and led workshops throughout the Northeast and beyond; and he is a member of the louderARTS Project, a New York-based collective of poets and artists dedicated to the innovative teaching and presentation of poetry. He is currently the host and curator of Acentos, a Bronx-based showcase for Latino/a poets. He sleeps in Pearl River, NY, when he's not running around New York City like a madman.
I'm a Puerto Rican and Cuban poet looking for any excuse to write and perform poetry. When I'm not blocked, you will find me off in the corner writing. When I AM blocked, you will find me seated somewhere thinking really hard. When I'm not thinking really hard, nudge me, because I'm probably dead.
I got my start in 2002 at the Nuyorican Poets' Cafe Open Room, where I'm told many others got THEIR start. From there I moved over to Monday nights at Bar 13, and then to 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at Acentos in the Bronx. The rest of it, quite frankly, has been a blur. At some point I stopped treating poetry like a hobby and started studying it for real; I officially earned the title of "hater" (probably because I think "spoken word artists" are 95% laughable); I told law school to go to hell; I informed the world that my ambition was to get my MFA and teach; the world yawned. And there it is. If you love me, get at me. If you don't...well, you know where to go. ;-)
Other than that...I'm cute, lovable, fairly harmless, and smart as hell. I have ideas about things, which I think I will post from time to time.That's it, kids. Te veo later...

My Interests

Writing. Teaching. My house. Sleeping. Pretending I care about your poems.

I'd like to meet:

Prince, Muhammad Ali, James Brown, Chuito de Bayamon, Julia De Burgos, Nicanor Parra, Myself in 30 Years.


Anything that the West stole from Africa. You might say I'm eclectic!


Pedro Almodovar films featuring La Lupe on the soundtrack (which is like, all of 'em).


HGTV. I shit you not. Design Cents is the SHIT.


My girlfriend's seven bookshelves, and my measly one. Currently devouring: EL GRAN ZOO, N. Guillen; HIP LOGIC, T. Hayes; JULIA EN BLANCO Y NEGRO; WHAT IS FOUND THERE, A. Rich.


This guy.

My Blog


Go here.  Much of my public discourse in Blogworld revolves around poetry and literature anyway, so I figured I'd just make a blog out of it.  This is where you'll find me for the most part....
Posted by El Profe on Fri, 11 May 2007 10:49:00 PST

Muthaf*ck Don Imus!

So as a child of Conservative talk radio (yes, I was a Dittohead once upon a time), I must issue this public service announcement:Black folks:  If you think this Don Imus shit is big news, just w...
Posted by El Profe on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 06:51:00 PST

The Soundtrack

The lady and I have a running joke in which we envision the best songs to do certain activities to.  i.e.  Best Song To Kick Someone's Ass To (tie between "Holla If Ya Hear Me" and "When the...
Posted by El Profe on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 06:04:00 PST

Poets, Dumbass Debates, Other Assorted Niceties.

I saw Mark Doty and Patricia Smith do a reading at the Bowery Poetry Club last night.  They read some really tight work, in a generous and creative atmosphere, even though it was billed as a Page...
Posted by El Profe on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 08:33:00 PST

They tried to make me go to rehab...I said no, no, no....

Man, fuck Britney Spears.  The rest of the world needs a stint in rehab.1.CAN WE FUCKING BURY JAMES BROWN ALREADY?  Please?  Pretty please?  For fuck's sake, people, he was only th...
Posted by El Profe on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 10:15:00 PST

Y Ese Pito???

I'm adding Joe Cuba's "El Pito" to my page in honor of my boy John Rodriguez, an avid reader of blogs, teaching pedagogies, and the back flap of the new Eddie Murphy Delirious DVD.  Man I actuall...
Posted by El Profe on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 11:24:00 PST

Oh, six! Reviewing years, and other assorted ka-ka.

It is Wednesday? No, sorry, Thursday morning, and I'm up again. My woman is off being brilliant somewhere in Massachusetts, which is full of brilliant people. And racists, it has racists too. She'...
Posted by El Profe on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 11:16:00 PST

New Sheet?

Yeah, kinda. Based on a dream I/we had. If you know the players involved in the poem, feel free to leave me some feedback.When The Shit Goes DownI.Thirty-two perfect white teethgreet Will at the ent...
Posted by El Profe on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 11:54:00 PST

Pretty Muhphuckas

Courtesy of the amazing Peter Dressel, as part of his photo series "American Romance."  Hire this man immediately.  No, seriously.  For the last time:  NO, WE'RE NOT NEKKID. Be...
Posted by El Profe on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 10:06:00 PST

Rich on TV??

After a series of phone calls, emails, and one semi-belligerent text message...well. Here are your respective answers:-Yes, Betts and I were indeed on Primetime Live last night. -Oprah is not in the...
Posted by El Profe on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 11:26:00 PST