Miss Erika profile picture

Miss Erika

I am here for Friends

About Me

i absolutely love:FIRE, coconuts, art, nature- especially fog, loose tea, respect, crow caws, driving extremely long distances- usually by myself, animals, creativity in all its forms, museums, cultural differences, travelling, strawberries, love, teaching children to be open minded and inquisitive, breathing, daydreaming, heights-oh when will i get the money to jump out of a plane!?, avacado/veganaise sandwiches, sweet pickled ginger, people- usually, and looking on the bright side as often as possible. (surely i love more, but hey...)
i rescued/found a baby duckling in a box on the corner of 66th street and 14th ave in brooklyn on mother's day past, named him Ji Ya (mandarin for lucky duck?) and raised him till i found him a home with a couple in Ithaca. even as a big goofy duck, he slept on my chest while we took naps together. i miss him. umm...nobody can or should be summed up in a myspace profile.
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oh, and be sure to realize that i use myspace to keep in touch with real friends. i'm not here to find cyber friends, dates, "hook-ups", sex, or new sex partners under the guise of friendship. i'm good, thanks.

My Interests

here are some interests i've acquired over the years: art, particularly sculpture. fire eating. food not bombs. tattoos. going to the gym. large blades. the UFC. the 1920's-1940's. ancient civilizations. s&m. reincarnation. museums. the occult. the beauty in martial arts. vegan food. bartending. tribal bellydance. poker. side shows. beds of nails. animal liberation. animal rights. veganism. club juggling!!! northern shaolin kung fu-i miss it. capoeira-can't afford it yet. swingsets-oh my fucking god, i love swingsets!!! just ask any of my close friends. crows. mythology. ...all that lies just behind the veil. caves. dreams. laughing. making my saving throws. philanthropy/misanthropy, hope. adoption. AD&D. interior design. travel!!! creativity. nature. self-inflicted destiny. conversation. chess. muscle cars. coffee. frangelico in coffee. acts of thoughtfulness. many kinds of tea. ... and a few more.

I'd like to meet:

Gary Gygax, Johnny Depp, Nikola Tesla, Cleopatra, India, Madagascar! (to see wild aye ayes- too cute!), Figi, Micronesia (to see the floating city), Tibet, The Caribbean, eastern Europe, western Europe, New Zealand, Japan (but not the major cities), China (Da Mo's Cave), Peru- again, Argentina, The Amazon!- doesn't matter where, Egypt, Morocco, Venezuela, Scotland-again, to play in the magikal clover forest!, The Redwoods (haven't been there yet), The Painted Desert, AZ, South Dakota, New Orleans-again, Komodo (i really want to stand 20ft away from a dragon), Sedona, AZ-again, Mongolia, Crete, Samoa (so I can feel oh so skinny ;P), I'd like to say I'd go touring the edge of the Congo but I may be lying I'm not sure, Thailand (not for child prostitutes!), Easter Island, and wherever else I end up!!!

erika --

Benevolent to a fault


ugh... here we go: deathmetal, some blackmetal, crust punk, grindcore, some old metal, some 80's stuff, some goth stuff, industrial, some old punk, some electronic stuff spanning the last 3 1/2 decades, some old hip hop and some current stuff that i enjoy dancing to even though i don't listen to it when i'm not out dancing, "world" music- middle eastern, far eastern, polynesian, latin, some european folk, etc.., medieval european coverbands...no, really. jug bands, anything that has a hurdygurdy in it, or maybe a theramin, or a davul, and sitar...yep, can't go wrong with sitar.


CONAN THE BARBARIAN- my favorite movie of all time, LEGEND- my second favorite, eraserhead, cemetary man, they live, cyborg, steel dawn (ha ha), monster squad, girls just wanna have fun, salem's lot, ravenous, thunderheart, don juan demarco, snatch, 300, disorderlies, russkies, nightbreed, boxing helena, excalibur, the dark crystal, labyrinth, the LORAX!!! i also like many other movies.


All in the Family, the REAL ghostbusters, dexter, sightings, the cosby show, interior design shows, MST3K, newsradio, dungeons & dragons, nature and ancient history documentaries.


nabakov, bukowski, chandler, hammett, a. nin, h. miller, de sade, orwell, u. sinclair, p. singer, rimbaud, s. cunningham, ect...I DON'T READ: Kerovac, VC Andrews, Star Trek books, Anne Rice, Burroughs, or Ginsberg. Sorta sorry to all who just got offended.


I think the term "hero" expects too much of itself. Perhaps it should say "inspiring individuals". I guess: everyone who has ever done anything creative in life and also anyone who has ever done anything to help someone or some creature, or some place. People who truly put themselves into raising their children so that they will have the best possible chance at being the most they can be in this difficult world of ours. Particularly those who adopt children....willingly, because it's a loving, selfless act that gives hope and a chance to children who are normally ignored...however, people, myself included, need to start pushing to change the adoption system. it's almost impossible to adopt children in this country because they are viewed as commodity- wards of the state make money. they are fucking people. children. you don't tell a white family that they're not good enough to adopt a black baby because that baby would be better off with a black family, and then tell them that they are good enough to foster the same child- because foster care makes money- and although there are plenty of good, loving foster families, but the system encourages abusive foster parents, when you can look in the classifieds and find ads that read: $$$$$FOSTER A CHILD$$$$$. what the fuck!!!???
breathe...end rant.
my friends made a good kid!

My Blog


This is my lipstick. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My lipstick is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it, as I must master my life. Without me my lipstick is useless. Without ...
Posted by Miss Erika on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 08:02:00 PST


Posted by Miss Erika on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 06:52:00 PST

the best episode ever made...or close to it!

Posted by Miss Erika on Thu, 03 May 2007 07:28:00 PST

bad dream got DELETED!

luckily i copied it, but now i lost the comments i had for it, and i'm pissed, cause i really wanted to save some of them. bad dream ...
Posted by Miss Erika on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 09:18:00 PST

when someone's muse becomes my own

I've been contemplating a "blog" about Jenn, but I couldn't quite figure out what I should say.Now, I realize that nothing could be said about her-she did a better job at that, than any of us could ev...
Posted by Miss Erika on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 07:50:00 PST

sealions in monterey

i did write the whole beautiful story for this blog...but sometimes things vanish and i am struggling to be zen right now...or chan..depending on your japanese or chinese perspective. instead, i will ...
Posted by Miss Erika on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 02:43:00 PST

the red spot

late this evening, i burned the topside of my left hand when i stuck it in the toaster oven. apparently, the toaster oven is equipped with heating elements on both the top and the bottom. sh...
Posted by Miss Erika on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 12:28:00 PST

Good Bye Sasha

my roomate's hamster died this morning. she was really wonderful, and i'll miss her little fraggle rock face. i'm still in denial, i think...
Posted by Miss Erika on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 12:12:00 PST

Does This Count?

I had a great weekend. I had a lot of fun during my first paid day at FoodSwings. I am the coolest Vegan Cinderella anyone will ever see! I would call myself Veganrella, but not only does th...
Posted by Miss Erika on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 09:07:00 PST


this is an excerp from a tiny, light blue booklet that i hold very dear: remember all people are always changing. when we judge them we judge on what we believe we know of them, failing to realize tha...
Posted by Miss Erika on Sat, 10 Dec 2005 12:54:00 PST