"Feelings again"
You have restarted my heart,
to have feelings once again.
I thought it was broken,
with my funeral to attend.
You came unexpected,
I never thought this could be.
I hope you get this fuzzy feeling,
when your just thinking of me.
Its early to tell the future,
what will be of me and you.
But I'm head over heals,
with everything you do.
I have kissed you I have held you,
I even felt your touch.
I would love to do it over and over again,
am I really asking much.
A smile represents my happiness,
a tear represents all the pain.
I wish I could represent what I feel for you,
rolling around in the rain.
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"5 Senses"
I close my eyes to the taste of her mouth in
Her tounge inriched with flavor, like a fine
I smell her soft hair as it falls into my
If Heaven could be on Earth, this would be the
I hold her in my arms, as she whispers in my
I will love you forever, "please have no
My fingers work their way down, to her beautiful
The words echo in my head "how could she be all
I am afaid to open my eyes, it might be a
But those days have past, and now we're a
I have found a new sense, only my heart has
Everything about you, has maid my heart done
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Broken but Beautiful"
A word can bring a man, to his knees.
With the pain so deep, that noone sees.
He can go on living, but dead inside.
Just an empty soul, along for the ride.
Tears can all dry up, but no sign of life.
The one thing is gone, his beautiful wife.
This woman made him strong, and fully
But now he's just a body, with two shoes on his
There are men out there, that are true to the
They are great individuals, with noone to
So if you see one of them, hold on to them
And give them direction, to show them the
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Do's and Don'ts"
I want to throw in the towel, I just want to
And say to everyone,that we just did not fit.
I want to go on forever, just to hate you.
And tell my aching heart, that we are threw.
I want to lose your number and get on by.
And forget what I felt, and not even ask why.
I wish I could say, I wish I never met you.
But I would be lying to myself, non of it is
I want to hold you more than ever, like I had never
And tell you I love you, and then a million
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"I'm Not"
I'm not a lier, Im not a cheat.
I'm not a door mat, for your feet.
I'm not a loving heart, you can abuse.
I'm not a toy, you dont care if you lose.
I'm not a target, for you to cause me pain.
I'm not crying over you, its just the rain.
I'm not awake at night, alone in my bed.
I'm not thinking of you, all day in my head.
I'm not wasting time, with all your crap.
I'm not asking you to stay, for one last lap.
So next time you see me, just turn your back.
You didnt have to ask me to leave, I already
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Pouting Poet"
I use my heart as a pen,
My tears as the ink,
Most people would throw their memories, to the toilet
to sink,
I lay my head on the table,
And wait for a tear,
Then swearl my pen in it,
To make that memory clear,
When it hurts so bad I will cry alot,
Those tears that have fallen, are the times we
When my pen runs out of ink, I will be just
Because I'll have no more tears, and you'll be
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Job Searching For You"
If I was a tailor, I would sow a seem,
To make this misory, all a dream.
If I was a machanic, I would fix this so fast,
I would blow it up forever, and never go flat.
If I was a captain, I would fly us away,
Back in time, to another day.
If I was a doctor, I would give you my life,
Because here without you,you can't be my wife.
If I was a teacher, I would teach you in
That love doesn't come often,and it should
If I was a singer, I would sing the blues,
And tell you everything, you are about to
If I was a gipsy, I could show you tomorrow,
But I can't so I'll be a preacher,and take back your
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Our Love"
I never thought love, would ever come again.
I huried to love you, now losing my friend.
I don't know where it went wrong, I really don't
I know your are unhappy, and I really must go.
In a month of loving you,you held a place in my
The love we had together was like a beautiful
What my future holds now, I haven't a clue.
I can only pray, and wish it was with you.
You have set a bar, and I will alway compare.
To a love that I once had, we made an excellent
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
You made a mistake, to lose my love
Something so pure, that fit like a glove.
It was over from the beginning, we just let it run
Because we had something good, there was a definate
But fighting became daily, and I would leave in the
Replacing making love for hours,after turning down the
I could replay each moment, again in my head
Where would that get me? any further ahead?
You lost something true, a man that would not
I hold this all inside me, as for you, you would
So get back to having fun, and forget about me
One day I will be ok, in time you will see.
This is the last poem, atleast about you
You have broken my heart, we are finally
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
I hurt all day, and I cry all night.
From the pain I have suffered from our fight.
I have painted a picture I want my life to be.
I have already lived this life, cant you see.
I picked up my brush, with each gentle glide.
And made a picture of you,my beautiful bride.
Just like a base coat, I must go over first.
But before it got better, it turned for the
The picture has you, but the rest is a blur.
I just want to paint a picture, of the way we
You dont understand, the pain I went through.
I wanted to start a new canvise, I though you
We both have had paintings, from people
I just wanted to start over, I just wanted
So I will hold on to this painting,of you all
We can finish this together, if you just pick up the
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Power Of Love"
Isn't it crazy, when you are head over heels.
The power of love, and the warmth that it
You can't get anything done, because they are on your
And you spend all day daydreaming, you come to
Every time the phone rings, you think it's your
When you walk around, you feel nearly ten feet
You bite your lip, and then close your eyes.
You remember the last kiss, and the joyful
Thank God for the love, You thought You would never
He saved the best for last, and put her last in
You will grow together, and be man and wife.
And start a new journey, a God chosen life.
This is all that you wanted, and all is for
Just remember to thank God and say, "I love
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Soul Felt"
(If You Love Someone, Don't Let The Small Things Ruin
The second you left me, I felt half of me go.
Even though you are not here, my love will still
Time ticks by, but memories will last.
Of the love that we shared, in the past.
Days will turn to months, and months into
Salt will be whats left, of all of the tears.
You were my angle sent to me, here on earth.
We are soulmates forever, we were destined from
You and I were not given the same blood, but the same
It beats the same beat, even though we're
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Torn Page"
There lays a torn page, out of a book,
Representing the love, that you took.
The pages are wet,and covered in sorrow,
The past is over, now I will start tomorrow.
We had a beautiful thing, I wish I was there
But the page was thin, and started to tear.
It should have been a best seller, I know in my
But too many people had pens, the pages got
I will charish each chapter,beginning to end,
And let the page go, with the gust of the
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Tear Stained Pillow"
I hold a tear stained pillow close to my face.
This tear stained pillow that has taken your
I lay alone under sheets that once consumed
Now that I slept with you, I want no other.
I toss and turn, and it is hard to sleep.
I dream that you are there, until I take a
As soon as I wake, it surfaces the pain.
My eyes are the storm clouds, my tears the
I bury my face in the pillow, to catch my
The tear stained pillow, is all I got left.
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Walking Away"
You tricked me again, and played with my
You easily took it, and tore it apart.
Where I once felt love, is now consumed by
I will walk another day, in the tears of rain.
You wanted to change, but it was all for me.
You won't stay happy like that, can't you see.
I felt you rebuilding a wall, brick by brick.
Our self distruction is coming, tick by tick.
I will walk away from this one, with what I
And leave it at that, with out saying a word.
Your not ready for this, I can already tell.
If I kept you from it it would be, a life time of
So good bye my love, there is no one to blame.
I just wish we were both ready, when you finally
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"What we share"
I close my eyes and begin to think.
How beautiful you are, and our powerful link.
My mind holds thought of our kiss goodbye.
My mouth holds the taste of the tear from your
I can say right now,I'm the luckiest man
My heart is a pool, and you are taking a dive.
I have waited this long,for a woman like you.
People say it won't last, the feelings are
Those people have not felt, a love we share.
Its not how you look, it's not the clothes that you
But something buried deeper, something you can not
It's shows only when you smile,when you are thinking
of me.
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"You have my heart"
Imbrace me in your arms, and hold me tight,
Make me feel loved and safe, all through the
My heart is on my sleeve, but my feelings are
Dont take my love for granted, for you I
Take my breath away, with each gental kiss,
The reasons why I love you, I have a million page
You give me a tingle in my fingers, all the way to my
Thinking of the love we have together, and the way it
Feeling the taste of your mouth on the tip of my
Makes my soul jump out as if it was stung.
So when I tell you that, you have my heart,
Whisper I love you, and say we will never part
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"You Left Me Dying"
(Love That Leaves You Behind)
I lay on my back,
With my hands on my chest.
While they lower me down,
Where I'll permanently rest.
There's others around,
Stuck in one spot.
I can smell their flesh,
It's starting to rot.
I saw at the viewing,
You started to cry.
I knew without you,
I'd eventually die.
I'm buried with a smile,
Because I know.
This person beside me,
Will never go.
Jesse Dean Skie
"Your Words Are My Scares"
Watch out for words you say,
because people start to hurt.
You wanted to live a life with me,
our love is all you burnt.
You took a stab of who I am,
"True" loved one's could only tell.
All these people that think they know,
live life in a mortal Hell.
You had a passion in the words you say,
gental in your touch.
But then Evil came when anger appeared,
did'nt help us very much.
I was hit by the blows you gave,
now I'm short of breath.
I have to fall out of love with you,
if not it will be my death
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Under My Skin"
You try to say words, to get under my skin.
But you don't see the damage, I hold within.
You say these words, to win in a fight.
All it does is make us, alone at night.
You win today, but in long term you lost.
Hurt me now, but losing my heart is the cost.
I'm going on with my life, becase you'll never
I want to forget you, and give someoneelse your
Your pain of me not there, is all from you.
And the destruction of your words, I wish you
It's time to stop writing, and put down my pen.
All this to win a fight, to get under my skin.
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
What has come of the love, we once had.
It started off so beautiful, now terribley
We traded in hugs, for daggers and darts.
To throw at eachother, straight for our
How can a companion turn evil, in a blink of an
And say devestating things, so you beak down and
I am a prisioner of war, in this prision of
I now see only feathers, of a once flown dove.
I saw you as a future, I could live as man and
But now all I can do is quit, you want a different
I got capured in a moment, that I thought would come
I am captured by love, and the rescue is all up to
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Dont' judge a book by it's cover"
I clicked passed someone, I never knew.
And never thought that it, could be you.
I looked at the cover, and not the page.
And judge the book, with bitter rage.
Im beginning to know you, in chapter one.
I am already addicted, I have just begun.
I am so amazed to read, this beautiful piece.
Her life is quite interesting to say the
Her eyes tell a story, of what she wants to
And her heart is the chapters, written for me.
Each page I turn, is like touching her soul.
And to finish the book, is the ultimate goal.
I read into her, and examine every line.
The type of heart she has, is hard to find.
I highlight pages, I'll want to edit in time.
But as for now, I am just glad she is mine.
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Broken Home"
I woke up to a world, out of your whomb.
You were excited for eachother, even made me a
You played with my hands, and laughed when I
You two held eachother, as you feed me some
We were the perfect little family, look at pictures
and see.
Now you fight with one another, and forget about
Love is why you had me, now I am just here to
It's hard on me to watch you, fighting is now all I
Why did you bring me into a world, and then lose focus
I'm here.
I brought joy when I was born, now anger is all I
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"GOD'S Beauty after Pain"
The weekend is filled with, never ending rain.
The same way my heart is, with all this pain.
I can go on forever, and avoid your every
But no matter my actions, the heart's where it's
Months have passed by, and we have grown
I wish I could turn back time, right to the
Are we just two different people with two different
I never wanted a heart, with the price that it
I listen to the drops, fall down from the sky.
As I hear a persons voice "why do you cry?"
I have loved so deeply, I have loved so
It felt so right, now I know it was wrong.
"I will create beauty, for after all of the
"Just like I will create a rainbow, after all of your
"Just hold yourself together, and let the tears just
"This rainbow is for you, I just thought you should
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
(Look Around See What You See,All Of This Was Created
By Me)
What is a heart with out love,
A bible with out words
A man with out vision,
for whom he serves
A service with no preacher,
the choir with out voice
An end of a life,
that has no choice
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"His Land"
Do you see a problem in "GOD WE TRUST"?
WE have destroted the cross, it turned into
Our leaders now are not like, our leaders back
It all started out, by the ink from a pen.
Blood and tears have saturated, this very
To give a life of true justice,it is not
"Give Me Liberty, or give me death"
How much of that do we really have left.
I will make a mark, but everyone must follow,
Fight for our creator, or there will be no
Year's have gone by, stone after stone,
Souls have been taken, what's left is the bone
They made a country from nothing, with help of his
We put his name on everything, this was HIS
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Homeless Angel"
(You have the power to help, don't judge, that is
God's job)
I stand here waiting, can't you see.
I use this homeless man, to represent me.
He begs for money, while holding a sign.
You just keep looking forward, like the rest of the
Your told to help your brother, in times of
He sleeps under bridges, and has wounds that
This is a man that is struggling, and you leave him
What if this was you, when you get stuck in a
He is a test for my children, here on earth.
To test your passion, and see what he's worth.
So next time you see him, remember the line.
It's not your job to judge him, that will be
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"My Little Messenger"
(Sometimes God must use his little messengers to reach
I'm empty,
I'm lonely,
I'm lost in direction,
With no light.
I've lost everything,
That is important to me,
I'm lost in my life.
I'm weakened,
I'm a sinner,
I'm not worthy,
I'm in HELL.
I'm embarrassed,
To talk to you,
You hate me,
I can tell.
As you wrapped me,
Into your arms,
I felt you,
From above.
In the shape,
Of my children,
You gave me,
Your love.
I look back,
And can see,
I walked away,
When I fell.
I finally see,
You have been there,
It was me,
In my shell.
His little hand,
Brushed my face,
Took the tear,
From my eye.
My boy stood there,
Like a man,
As he whispered,
Don't cry.
I felt your power,
Your presence,
Your warmth,
In my boy.
As you smiled,
You told me,
I love you,
Here's a toy.
I looked down,
In his hand,
Was a shape,
Of a cross.
If you throw it,
It will come back,
Why don't you,
Give it a toss
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Questions of faith"
What if God is not truely real.
What if the presents of Him, I can not feel.
What if all that happens, is not from Him.
What if I live my life, corrupted with sin.
Would it be so wrong, if I could not see.
Or have your Angels, to watch over me.
Could I ask you a question, where are you at.
I feel people's harsh feet and I am the mat.
Why have I not seen you, and carry so much
Is there something for me, is there a future to
My mind wonders, with all of these thought.
My vision is blurred, like connecting the
I feel happy but an empty feeling, deep
Like I'm missing out on something, but trying to
I make up excusses that help me,turn my back.
Because I'm scared of the answers,of the knowledge I
I Guess the reason our world is infested with
Is because we have not opened up,to let you
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Grandpa's love"
(True love in the heart)
Time goes by, as I sit in a chair
I can still smell the smell, of her beautiful
We have had many memories together,you can see in our
What a lovely woman, the preacher has sung
I lay down my wife, where her body will lay
Everyone is crying, when they started to pray
I've had a life to remember, grandchildren to
He sits on my lap, to show me his glove
We have done it my baby, we passed on our seed
You have stated first, I guess your in the
I put on your stone,"True love is no lie"
I will be there soon, to teach me to fly
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"When He's Forgotten"
(Prioritize Your Life By Who Will Cry At Your
A man can conquer the world and then be lonely in his
For he has loved noone and never took the time to be
Has he gave a kind hand, or has he turned his
What is held dear to him, when I tell him to
Is it the house that he built, or the home that he'll
How will he be remembered, after his wake
Has he made an impact, to make a loved one cry
Or will he soon be forgotten, after he dies
It's been seven years, since he passed away
And noone has visited him, since that day
He bangs on the coffin,and feels all alone
For he never had a heart, just flesh and bone
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie
"Wait For Your Gift"
(a man ready for his time)
My knees on the floor,my elbows on the bed
I know I'll go to heaven, I pray I've been
I am at the end of my life, I wait for the
I feel it in my veins, I know that it's right
Give me one last goodbye,to my best friend
I'll see her in the next life, this isnt the
I cant wait for my wings, after my flight
To watch over my loved ones,during the night
Lord take me fast,while I sleep
I'm ready for you, I won't say a peep
If it's not in your plan, it's perfectly clear
I'll just stand up and wait,and wipe away this
My soul is ready, to leave my body behind
This is your gift your giving me, it is not
Jesse Dean Skie
Copyright ©2006 Jesse Dean Skie