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Section 8

SECTION 8 Media ! Local, National and Global ART & INFO

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My Interests

LOCAL, NATIONAL, GLOBAL ART & INFORMATION! Send ya poetry, ya politics, ya pictures, ya art work and tattoo photos, or whatever you want the world to see to: [email protected] We'll run it, So GET IN!

I'd like to meet:

KoolCats that want to advertise their band , rap group, idea,club, political party ,Local business ,church function or house party in the MOST HARDCORE MAGAZINE in Northeast Florida. We got it for CHEAP!!! cONTACT THE 8: [email protected]






JERRY ! JERRY ! JERRY ! Hey zombie! Do you know that the time you waste watching Television(Tell lies vision) is time away from your own vision. Live your life! Please, please pretty please stop watching actors live a fake life for you. You might enjoy life more if you live it.


All the beat poets, revolutionaries, philosophers and the greatest of GONZO WRITERS.


ALAN JUSTISS , the Hardcore Legend MICK FOLEY , Hunter S. Thompson , JOHN H. JOHNSON , the Black Panthers, YOUR BABY All MAMAs, Che Guevera, TED TURNER, Booker T. Washington, MARTIN LUTHER KING, JAY-Z ,Andrew Jackson, A.L.Lewis, RIC FLAIR, Anakin Skywalker, YODA, Bob Marley, RUPERT MURDOCH, The Dalai Lama, THE POPE, Andy Warhol, KRS-ONE, Ben Franklin, St.John & all THE SECTION 8 SQUADers !!!

My Blog

........... a slow and Painful DEATH.

HIP-HOP IS DEAD.!(or dying a slow and painful death?) Why is it that everytime I hear a car with GOOD speakers Blasting hip-hop in Duval all  I can hear is BOOM BOOM " fuck,bitch,nigger" BOOM BOO...
Posted by Section 8 on Wed, 09 May 2007 06:25:00 PST

SEX, Sex & more sexxxx

I wonder sometimes.. Does porno make regular sex look boring.. or does regular sex make Porno look so FUKKING INTeresting..? who knows? Swallow that and holla back at the pope.-otis D. Easy Pope of P...
Posted by Section 8 on Fri, 04 May 2007 03:23:00 PST

Am I going INSAINE

THE POPE OF PROPAGANDA mAY 2007WHO CAN YOU TRUST? i pose this question to make you think. You might think that you can truly and deeply trust your family, loved ones, boyfriend/girlfriend. Wife/Husban...
Posted by Section 8 on Fri, 04 May 2007 05:51:00 PST