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I am here for Friends

About Me

"I've always been crazy but it has kept me from going insane" - Waylon Jennings

If you want to make sure i get your show up on the skinhead showfinder, email me at [email protected]. Use a subject line that will stand out from the spam - like "show", and write the email so I can quickly cut and paste. I pick up what I can from bulletins here, but I don't have the time to go through them all.

When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks into you. - Nietzsche

For IMs, I am sknhdjohn on aol.

My Interests

Weightlifting. NBS. Czech beer. Streetpunk. Guinness. Rock art, from runestones to Chumash pictographs. Carnivorous plants. Cello. Philosophy and history. The game of Go. Landscaping and mindscaping. Backrooms and backroads.

I'd like to meet:

Spammers, derivative indie bands with emaciated fans decked out in nautical stars, high school kids who post endless surveys, and lifeless losers who post multiple pointless bulletins.I need the target practice.


I maintain the skinhead showfinder at . I like music that jumps into my blood and pulls me into the pit: Hudson Falcons, Inspecter7, Cocksparrer, Dropkick Murphys, the Business in its prime, Main Street Saints, Wretched Ones, Niblick Henbane, Ultima Thule... yeah, mostly oi.

A lot of classical music works for me too, especially if it is harder than hardcore: Mozart, Sibelius, Beethoven, Wagner, Shostakovich.


TV is for human puppets.

Politics: I vote for politicians who are pro-gay, pro-gun, and defend the ENTIRE bill of rights. I vote against politicians who put fundamentalists into positions where they can do real harm to civilization, nature, science, or liberty. Government works best when it has to work for the consent of the governed.

Ethnicity: I am not from the Caucasus. The term "Caucasian" is a last relic of nineteenth-century racialist Anthropology. I'm a mix of Germanic and Celtic.

Education: I am a doctor who can't prescribe drugs.


Samuel Delany respects the unexpectedness of reality, especially in Times Square Red/Times Square Blue and the Mad Man.

Marx is the antidote to the empty slogans of contemporary politics. He was right that class struggle is the motor of history. Karl Popper is the antidote to Marx with his warnings about ideologies that insulate themselves from disproof. If you can't prove a theory wrong, it is probably bullshit. Certainty is the enemy of truth.

Michel Foucault showed that how we are ruled is a more real question than who rules in Discipline and Punish and History of Sexuality, but James Scott layed it out more bluntly in Seeing Like a State.

Nietzsche shows how to balance the Apollonian and the Dionysian and to fight for the right to party.

The Havamal, the best of the long poems of Norse mythology salvaged in medieval Iceland and collected in the Poetic Edda, is the real Skinhead Bible.


Odin is the scholar-warrior who sacrifices himself for knowledge, and fights for what matters even if it is all hopeless in the end.

Freyr and Thor protect us, keep us fed and keep the seasons rolling.

My Blog

America Awake! Before it's too late!

The two parties have got to do a better job keeping each other in check, curbing each other's excesses, holding each other accountable, and keeping each other out of our way. The future of American fr...
Posted by John on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 08:53:00 PST

Giant Deformed Cock

The Latin name is "amorphophallus titanum" which means "giant deformed cock" and describes how the world's largest flower looks. The common name, "corpse flower," describes how it smells. They rarely ...
Posted by John on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 09:38:00 PST

Bill of Rights, RIP

They came for the tenth amendment but I did not give a fuck because the federal government needs all the powers it can get to fight terrorism.They came for the ninth amendment, but I did not give a fu...
Posted by John on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 11:43:00 PST


One thing to keep in mind in the immigration debates is that some major corporations, especially in the meatpacking industry, have been deliberately assisting immigrants to come into the US illegally ...
Posted by John on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 10:04:00 PST

Iraq and Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu, if you are not familiar with him, wrote the Art of War in ancient, almost prehistoric, China. It is short and collects some fundamentals of strategy that apply to any war, or even to any conf...
Posted by John on Thu, 24 Nov 2005 04:22:00 PST

In search of New Sweden

In the mid-1600s Philly was the capital of Sweden's attempt at colonizing America. The colony did not last long - it was gobbled up by the Dutch and then the English. Its only real impact on American ...
Posted by John on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 07:52:00 PST


I was practicing the cello, looking out the window and thought there was a clump of leaves hanging down from the branch of a butterfly bush. I looked more closely, hoping it would be a cocoon of some ...
Posted by John on Fri, 23 Sep 2005 01:36:00 PST

Katrina: the Consequences of a Hollow Government

I am still sorting out the stories from the Gulf coast disaster area - what is true, what is rumor, what is partisan propaganda, what is exaggerated, and what is much worse than being reported. As far...
Posted by John on Sun, 04 Sep 2005 09:08:00 PST

Intelligent Design?

When I havent been following the blogs and craigslist and assorted news sites for signs of God's vengeance on red states, I've been watching monarch caterpillars. A few of them were crawling around ...
Posted by John on Sat, 03 Sep 2005 07:15:00 PST

In Defense of Fencewalkers

I'm from the stand-by-your-brother-right-or-wrong school of skinhead. I am not afraid of extremists who are in no position to impose their visions on the rest of us. The far right is the more dangerou...
Posted by John on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST