EILEEN profile picture


I put the 'ho' in hoserville, fucka.

About Me

I like fuzzy kittens, rock and roll, booze, kicking game, getting all drunk and throwing rocks at the boat, sandwiches, and hanging around in the alleys like a creep. I often find myself dancing like a spazz, swearing at my sewing machine, and trying to find "work in my field." But my most especial favorite is coming upon peace officers performing impromptu synchronized dance routines. If I could somehow find a way to hit that shit while the albino squirrel is riding faithfully on my shoulder, I would utterly lose my shit, in the good, epileptic way.
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!

My Interests

Rock and roll guitar, close calls, Extralogical!, (f)utility, scatology, the poetics of transgression, geek dancing, shootin' my mouth off, shotgunning competitions, and causing a ruckus.

I'd like to meet:

People who want to make bathtub gin, or go down to the dump to shoot rats.Linguistic anthropologists with fake credentials.The opposite of urinary tract infections.Also, a typewriter.


I gotta say, the garage rock is my favorite. But I like old-style rock and roll, punk rock, Motown, old rythm and blues, rockabilly, psychobilly, honkey-tonk, Bollywood soundtracks, Iron Maiden, Blind Guardian, the real hip hop, and most songs about getting rowdy or getting dumped.Living in Toronto has caused me to become totally gay for the Arcade Fire and other such bands.Me and the drummer sing the same words simultaneously in different languages. It's not arty, it's fucking confusing.


Gore. Westerns. Bollywood. Jim Jarmusch. Interwar. Anything with vampires or ninjas or midgets. Rom-coms make me twitch. Right now I'm wishing someone would remake Six-String Samurai with a young Steve McQueen, although that might actually make it less perfect. But I am curious.In "Wild Zero," the members of Guitar Wolf use their Guitar Wolf names in the movie so when Guitar Wolf saves some dude from zombies, he's all, "Thank you, Guitar Wolf." Which is awesome.


I don't have one, but if I did, I would watch the Trailer Park Boys, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, every day.Arrested development rules. I want one of them scooters like G.O.B.. Or just The Final Countdown to start playing every time I'm up to something which I probably shouldn't be doing and which will likely have unforeseen consequences.


Most of them. That's a lie. Some of them. I'm a theory geek, and I like the highbrow and the lowbrow. Right now I'm starting to generate the beginnings of a PhD thesis which would be about the hydraulics of transgression in the context of post-industrial states. I like "Subculture: The Meaning of Style" by Dick Hebridge a lot. Althusser, Barthes, Foucault, Camus, Spivak, Sausseure but not Derrida. Also anything with fighting with swords. Whenever people are talking to me and I'm agreeing with everything they say, it's because I'm actually imagining fighting things with swords.


I aspire to the level of spiritual enlightenment attained by G.G. Allin. Gee gee sus!

My Blog

for chrissake

I have been promoting, on the side, Christabel's show which will be on March 12. In the course of this, I have run into several dyed-in-the-wool punk rockers who aren't comfortable with attending a q...
Posted by EILEEN on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 05:05:00 PST

i make possibly bad decision

I decided I don't really want to teach history at all. so i fully copped out of a grad school application. i sh'o hope i'm correct, here. if not there'hs always the slow death, which i refer to as "...
Posted by EILEEN on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 11:43:00 PST

I Norwalk the Line

Seriously, why do I only get the freak diseases that are beyond grody? I was telling Tyler about this situation I got going on and he was like, "Norwalk virus? Doesn't that come from the sea?" I'm inc...
Posted by EILEEN on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 07:19:00 PST

this be christmas

this is my christmas eve, because the solstice celebration is tomorrow. i spend it with a bottle of beer, one grey kitty, a pogues record called 'if i should fall from grace with god', and two antolo...
Posted by EILEEN on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 09:50:00 PST

every night is a saturday night.

In the absence of a communal working culture (or perhaps, resulting from the fragmentation) in the operationalization of communal working environments, systematization becomes a metastructure. In oth...
Posted by EILEEN on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 08:58:00 PST

static makes static

i told the cat it wasn't my fault, but he scratched my hand anyways.
Posted by EILEEN on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 06:03:00 PST

i love rock and roll

I can't believe how good it felt to be on stage again. The band that we played with last night was called Domaine D'Or, (their band name song is wicked fun) and I relly liked them because they made ...
Posted by EILEEN on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 10:14:00 PST

Oh fuck oh fuck I saw a four gallon pail of mayonaisse today

Fo shizzo. Also there was this dumb shit today, basically a walking organ farm. Staring at him with unconcealed loathing, I developed a phrase that I wish to enter into the public domain. This man,...
Posted by EILEEN on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 05:18:00 PST

My ablilty to write

What, is itnecessarily, it is a certain colour in the sky that,i:ike makes you feel like writing, like everyt like everything becomes less complicated, like everything i like it becomesless, sick, li...
Posted by EILEEN on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:22:00 PST

Finally, I name my guitar

I have felt some pain over love lost, trust betrayed, heart broken, etc. but never before has a hand besides mine broken my guitar. so I finally name my guitar. It's called Vengeance. And you bett...
Posted by EILEEN on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 08:18:00 PST