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Doing what I love to do!

About Me

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"let them hate and watch the money pile up"

29 years old

United States

About D-Twizzle:
Allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is D-Twizzle. Known as Seattle's Premiere Video DJ. You can catch me spinnin' at the club or making hip hop beats for local artists. I'm constantly producing music video remixes too. Contact bookings@betatesterz.com to book me for a live video mix show.

Big shout outs to DJ Benj , DJ Niros & DJ ASIA. These are really great DJs you need to see spin live if you haven't already. They've always been kind enough to help me out & have supported me from the beginning. THANK YOU!

Myspace URL:

I've been dropping some hot mixtapes for the streets all year long. Blendz, Mash-ups and Remixes. Click thumbnails to view full tracklistings.

There is one person who has always been there for me for the past 7+ years. My wife has supported me through thick & thin and has given me all the encouragement that has made me successful. I Love You Babe!

Calendar & Upcoming Shows:

October 4th, 2008

October 4th, 2008

October 10th, 2008

October 11th, 2008

October 17th, 2008

October 18th, 2008

October 24th, 2008

October 31st, 2008

November 1st, 2008

November 13th, 2008

November 14th, 2008












Guess Factory Event

Trinity - Video Mixshow

Jet - Video Mixshow

Masa - Video Mixshow

Masa - Video Mixshow

Club 131 - Video Mixshow

Del Rey - Video Mixshow

Jet - Video Mixshow

Trinity - Video Mixshow

Gaby's - Video Mixshow

Gaby's w/ L-Rock - VidMix

Tulalip, WA

Pioneer Square, WA

Milf Creek, WA

Tacoma, WA

Tacoma, WA

Seattle, WA

Bell-Town, WA

Milf Creek, WA

Pioneer Square, WA



W/ DVDJ Crush @ Beau Rivage (MGM/Mirage) Biloxi, MS
Great Video DJ, Great MC, Great Family Man, Great Person!
Beta Testerz is the #1 Audio/Video Production DJ Crew in the Northwest!
Be on the lookout for our one of a kind video shows coming to a club near you!

DJing at Pollyesther's in Las Vegas with San Francisco's Andrew B! Check out his website to buy our audio & video remixes. CertifiedPartyRockers.com ->
If you're interested in listening to one of my mixtapes, leave me a message and I will send you a download link. Comments are always welcome. Friends can post a comment in the box below...

My home setup =)

D-Twizzle - Live Video Mix @ Republic in New Orleans : 640x480 (500MB) or 320x240 (187MB)

To view my video blendz and video remixes go to my youtube site: http://youtube.com/djdtwizzle
Also check out www.SmashVidz.com and www.8thWonderPromos.com to download some of my exclusive video remixes!

Thanks for checking out my page. Please come back again for updates.
D-Twizzle Productions © 2006-2008


View Comments...
Whoa! It was crazy seeing you TWICE in one week... but it always puts a smile on my face! Good seeing you, D! Hope we get to vibe again soon.JYEAH!
Whoowee, DJing 3 nights in a row after 30 hours of traveling is no good, but shit still went off. What's funny is after the del rey comment, you would be a way better fit here than me, haha. Might do video tonight, than take week off and go surfing for awhile.

Shit was Destroyed last night, haha. It was nuts, the flyers that had out were super blinged out. Betatesterz represent in Bali, Java next week.

thanks again for hookin it up. it was fun man.i never knew kirkland was so crrrrackin! haha
What it doooo.

Hit me.
It's been a while since we've gigged together! Hope we can do that soon! Now THAT would be some sick sh*t!!! :)
beta testerz... ahh sh!t.. cant wait.. rock the scene!!
yo d..saw ur post wen i saw jet thought ur in vegas..wats good bro!
lmao word!!!
put me on the list for trinity please! =)
Its a cool spot, let me know when you're coming thru.

Hang over today, thanks again.
What up d-twizzle!?? I have to step my game up soon and get on the video mixing also! Not sure if my i-book g4 is ready for that yet :) It my blow up to pieces :)
Yo D tweezy my neezy! Sup wit it big dog? Rockin your remix vidz like crazy down here in SD. Keep it fresh mang.
lolz kicked out, not being there, its the same thing haha toshi was hatin anyways ;p anyways how r u??
there's no "home" button on your page... we're stuck here! haha.. see you tonight homie
you like how I added all the proper logos to make it look legit huh, lol
it was a good transition. damn, your job is hella filthy mang
D-Twizz is busy these next few weeks!!
See you tonight!
good seeing you again last night man. good lookin on the list. i needed it cause it's been a rough week for me: i finally accused my girl for creepin and was right, and my older brother figure lost a close friend of his.
hi!! hows the fam?! hope everythings good. miss you guys!
Yeah we do bro, on the 8th or the 9th or whenever you work there again! I'll be there.
hell yes. Those video mixes are doin it !
last time I checkd, I heard that d-twizz was the man. is this still true?
yo wadup man....sorry i havent been makin it out 2 yur shindigs as of late....got work sunday mornings-so i usually dont kick it saturdays anymore. ima try n make it out soon tho
It was fun, definitely not what I expected. Like I said, thought they were gonna hate me. We'll see how it goes this time, I played Ghost In a Shell last time at Trinity, went pretty well.

Where you at tonight.

i'm getting a rubix cube and i am going to play with it while mixing in the club too!
hmm myspace is confusing me. I think i left u a comment, and i think i got a comment from u, but they all disappeared,, maybe im halucinating... or whatever. i dunno. But it was awesome partying with U and ur wifey. Hmmm man i swear i wrote this the other day.. whatever. LOL Have fun at trinity tonight!
Anytime bro. We will have to swap some tracks soon.
D-Twizzle's bringing the heat to the video-mixing beat!!
"Video killed the radio Star"
Wow! Thanks for being the first official birthday greeter! Ha ha

Hope you and your family are well despite the likelihood of gaining 471390847019 lbs. over the holiday! Now THAT's what I call a Merry Christmas!

Love, Arleh
yo! it was good meeting u...hit me up next time ur in the bay
yo dar! that would've been dope if we were down in vegas the same time. are you back yet? hope everything went well with your debut in sin city. comin up man. good shit. see you soon. say hi to erica and the baby.
damn man cali ..wa...vegas on the schedule these day......im waiting to see taiwan on there.....hope you and the fam are doing great......
ahh yeah, i will see you in vegas man!
twizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzle. wut up MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN??? TEACH ME HOW TO SPIN BROSEF? You Da Man!
what up D TWIZZLE!!!! looking forward to spinning with with you when you COME TO FRISCO!!!!


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My Blog

The busiest weekend of my career...

I've never really wrote a blog in the past, but I thought I'd do one on this new page I have.I had 4 Gigs in 3 days which was the busiest weekend of my career.  Okay, my career isn't even that lo...
Posted by D-Twizzle on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 02:47:00 PST