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Duke of Earl

I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a disabled, divorced man. Originally from a small town, in Michigan City, Indiana. After high school and one year of college, I joined the U. S. Air Force and served seven years. Having been married to a girl from Columbus, Ohio, I moved my family there upon discharge and I fell in love with The Ohio State football tradition, and being a 'Buckeye'. History has brought me present day to Durham, North Carolina, where I live alone, but my computer is truly my main company. I never discovered its use until my illness when I was forced to retire. I was bed bound for over eight months. To make a long story short, I never thought I'd ever walk again, but thanks be to God, I'm able to facilitate myself on a walker. Been married twice, not too successful in love, but at least I can say I've been touched by it a couple times. I have four wonderful children who make me proud, and help remind me that I 'HAVE' done something right. In fact, one of my sons got me into this MySpace thing. He set me up from where he lives in Ohio. He thought it would be a good thing for me, a good extention to my computer experience. Also, because I attempt to write a little poetry and enjoy sending messages of encouragements, he felt this would be a great way in sharing some of my writings. I'm not quite sure how good any of my short poems are, but writing really became a way of reaching out. I believe giving my mind over to God to use has helped me heal, and made me to feel somewhat productive, instead of spending my time depressed. As you can see by my Chicago Bear design, I truly love 'Da Bears'. Having grown up near Chicago, I love all sports teams from the Windy City. But my 'GREATEST' love is my love for Jesus Christ. Without Him in my life, to me nothing else makes sense. I'll stand for Him, even if I have to stand alone. I love gospel music, especially gospel quartet. I used to love playing chess, though haven't done so in some time. But in brief, this is my story!
"The Meaning of MySpace"I never thought much about obtaining a MySpace page. Actually, I really didn't know much about it, except for the publicity it receives over our news media outlets, most of it negative, or intrusive to someone.My son in Ohio had been telling me he felt it would be a good idea for me to have one, to share my poetry and things that God gave me to write. Still, I couldn't see no use for it because I'm shy, and I just couldn't see myself talking to a complete stranger, and then in doing so, having a relationship develope whereby I wake up each morning just to see what kind of messages, or comments I might have.So far, this thing has truly opened up for me an outlet, and a source. And, I'm lovin' it.Its become an outlet for my expressions of thought, that periodically comes, which has to be God inspired because I'm 'NOT' articulate.I'm not a preacher. I couldn't preach a message if you paid me. I'm not a public speaker. I don't think I could hold an audience of five folk for five minutes.But I can try to live a life where God can use me.I can tell someone else of His goodness to me.Now that, I 'CAN' do!And if anybody will hear, then let him/her hear.I'm thankful now for this experience, because I'm not mobile where I get out my house very much. My computer is my company.MySpace is providing a source for new found friends, never possible until I gave into my son's demands.And now, I'm "so" very glad that I did!GOOD MORNING EARL, I WANTED TO STOP BY YOUR PAGE AND BLESS YOU WITH MY PRESENCE. I WANTED TO STOP BY AND SAY THANK YOU FOR JUST BEING YOU. THANK YOU FOR YOUR WISDOM, THANK YOU FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIP. I WOKE UP THIS MORNING AND I THANKED THE LORD FOR MY BLESSINGS, AND I THANKED THE LORD FOR YOU. EVERYTIME I TURN AROUND HE KEEPS ON BLESSING ME. I KNOW YOUR GETTING A LITTLE WEARY, SO I WANTED TO SEND YOU THE SUN, A LITTLE OF MY SUNSHINE TO BRING YOU ENERGY. A PERSON CAN'T GIVE SUNSHINE "UNLESS" THEY HAVE EXPERIENCED THE RAIN, AND I TRY TO COME BY OFTEN AND BE UNIQUE AS "LOVELYB", AND SO TODAY I WANTED TO SAY THANKS, AND SEND YOU THIS LITTLE VIDEO. KEEP ON MINISTERING, KEEP ON BEING A BLESSING, BUT EARL, TAKE "EARL" TIME. AND I LEAVE YOU WITH THIS, {IT'S EASY TO GET OVER COMMITTED, BURNED OUT, WORN OUT, AND STRESSED OUT WITH TOO MANY COMMITMENTS} BEING WEARY AS YOU SAY, WILL FRUSTRATE YOU. (AS YOU SAY) KEEP ON DOING WHAT YOU DO MY FRIEND, JUST KEEP BALANCED. TAKE "EARL" TIME {LOVE YA.....LOVELYB}

My Interests

*MERRY CHRISTMAS "from" MELANIE...I see the countless Christmas Trees around the world below, with tiny lights, like heaven's stars, reflecting on the snow. The sight is so spectacular! Please wipe away the tears,for I am spending Christmas with Jesus this year.I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear, but the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here.I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring,for it is beyond description to hear the angels sing.I know how much you miss me. I see the pain inside your heart,but I am not So far away we really aren't apart.So be happy for me dear ones, You know I hold you dear,and be glad that I am spending Christmas with Jesus this year.I send you each a special gift from my heavenly home above.I send you each a memory of my undying love.After all 'LOVE" is the gift, more precious than pure gold.It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.Please love and keep each other, as my Father said to do,for I can't count the blessings or love He has for you.So, have a Joyous Christmas and wipe away the tear.Remember... I am spending Christmas with "JESUS CHRIST" this year..."
imikimi - Customize Your World
{A PRAYER FROM MY GOOD FRIEND, ELDER BARBARA GORDON}...Good evening Earl, how are you? Well, I feel led to pray. Father in the name of Jesus, we rebuke that clot in Earl's leg right now, we command that it be burned up by the fire of God in the name of Jesus. We come against every infirmity that has attached itself to him in the name of Jesus and we demand that satan loose him in Jesus' name. Now God we speak healing to his body, mind, and spirit in the name of Jesus. Lord let your healing virtue flow through him from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet in the name of Jesus. We receive healing in Jesus' name every wit God, hallelujah. We seal this prayer in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, in Jesus' name, AMEN! Earl I don't know about you but I'm sick of the devil. We have purpose, we were born with destiny in our loins, and he is trying to stop us from fulfilling our purpose in God. But he is a liar and the father of lies and we command every plot, plan, and evil thing that he has set up for us to be returned to the sender in the name of Jesus. We reverse the curse in the name of Jesus. We stand on the word and the promises of God that we are healed in every area of our life in the name of Jesus. AMEN!

My main interests are "Writing Poetry", and "Encouraging" a brother or sister if I can...

IF THERE WERE NO TOMORROW I would tell you today That you are the one that fills my life, Whose smile I cannot wait to see, Whose arms I long to have wrapped around me, Whose lips I live to kiss, Softly, passionately, in every way.I would want you to know That you make my heart skip a beat... You fill my soul with contentment, You brighten my dark skies, You fill my days and nights With stars, hopes, and cascading dreams.I would want you to see How beautiful the world looks now that you're here. Your eyes light up the sky, Your touch paints the Heavens, Your kiss creates amazing rainbows Of beauty, sunshine, and life.I would want you to understand That I have always loved you... Even before I knew there was you, Before our eyes ever met, Before I found in you Happiness, completeness, and passion.If there were no tomorrow... I would tell you That you are the greatest gift in my life, Whose love I cherish above all else. You sustain me with Your laughter, love, and friendship. Before there was no knowing I'd tell you I love you infinitely, without boundaries, and beyond time.Author Unknown

Peace & Love Henrietta

I'd like to meet:

I'm a very shy person, though many people don't think so. So I'm not quite sure just how I'd react if I had chance to meet some individuals I truly admire. But if there were chance I could ever be in the same room with some, and hear them speak... among the few would be Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou, T.D. Jakes, George Foreman, Harvey Watkins Jr., Oprah Winfrey, Bill Clinton, and Jesse Jackson.





Coal Miner's Daughter, Scent of a woman, Ray


1985 Superbowl Shuffle Chicago Bears

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The Bible


"A FATHER'S LOVE LETTER"Jesus Christ first and foremost, plus my mother and father.
MY THOUGHTS FOR TODAY:God loved you from the foundation of the world. And just because some knuckleheaded man/woman never said it, doesn't mean you aren't being loved all along. BECAUSE YOU ARE!!! So keep your head up.Sometimes we need to rap our "OWN" arms around ourselves for a hug. It works!!! And in that embrace, the Lord is actually hugging you, because without His breath of life 'STILL' flowing thourgh you at that moment, you wouldn't be able to make a caress.So love yourself first, before entrusting those duties to someone else, and you'll never be alone.
"MySpace" such a special place. Getting to meet people like you, real people who can feel & love someone they've never even met, nor may not ever meet. It's not important, because a heart can travel to where the feet cannot.

{GOD HAD YOU IN MIND}I know God must have had you in mind, When He threw stars across the sky; For I can see them twinkling there, When I look into your eyes.I know He had to be thinking of you, When He made the moon and the sun; For He knew that they would shine on you, As if you were the only one.I know when He made the mountains, Formed flowers and morning dew; When He looked at the splendor of all He'd done, I know He was thinking of you.When He created humanity, You were there on His mind; Looking 'cross generations, That you would be one of a kind.I know when the very first laughter, Spilled forth from that wonderous place; God knew one day He would hear you laugh too, And a smile spread across His face.I know for a fact you were on His mind, When He gave His only Son; For He knew that He would die for you, As if you were the only one.I know God must have had you in mind, Looking down from Heaven above; For He knew someday I would need someone, And He sent you for me to love. "NO CHARGE" by SHIRLEY CEASAR. A good look at raising our children, and the real cost when you add it all up...

My Blog

Nothing in, nothing out

Nothing in, nothing out Nothing in, nothing outwe can't withdraw from an empty account *We get back from what's on depositexpecting anything more is without logic   That's how life is, our life ...
Posted by Duke of Earl on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 08:08:00 PST

These pounds of flesh...

These pounds of flesh... I don't know if I will ever overcome my prisoncalled my bodyBut such a cool, cool person is trapped down inside me from underneath these pounds of fleshBut this is how God mad...
Posted by Duke of Earl on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 05:06:00 PST

My Thought for the Month...

"Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble." { Job 14:1 } *********** I realize everybody has a story, and I’ve come to the conclusion over the years that it’s not s...
Posted by Duke of Earl on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 12:16:00 PST

*So ....take care of your love!

But when love dies, it usually never returns in its original form.   It’s normally never a glorious resurrection of what once existed between two people.   *So take care of y...
Posted by Duke of Earl on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 11:10:00 PST


WHAT IS GREATNESS ?   I don’t know if I’ll be recognized, become "GREAT" before life is through, but the most important opinion right now comes directly from your point of view. &n...
Posted by Duke of Earl on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 11:35:00 PST

Walking Time Clocks

Walking Time Clocks Children, enjoy your youthStop trying to grow up so fast Don’t worry, the young ages you are nowFor sure will "NOT" LAST We are all walking time clocksWhere minutes and hour...
Posted by Duke of Earl on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 11:21:00 PST

*The Music of Life*

*The Music of Life* Can you hear the musicCan you hear the tunesThat are being played out right nowInside of your "Heart" roomOpen up the door and enter inGive listen to the musical beatsOf a tune pl...
Posted by Duke of Earl on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 02:37:00 PST

Something I learned today . . .

Something I learned today: I learned today that it is risky to try and mediate between (2) people whom you love. Caring for their healthy relationship runs risk of yours being damaged permanently due...
Posted by Duke of Earl on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 04:46:00 PST

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Posted by Duke of Earl on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 06:54:00 PST


TO ALL MY MYSPACE FRIENDS I wanted to write a heartfelt message to all my myspace friends. All of you, who at sometime or another sent me a friends request. I'm always amazed when I get one. I don't ...
Posted by Duke of Earl on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 04:05:00 PST