This is where my guardian angel Marjorie saw me and posted a bulletin about me on MySpace. It took her weeks to get help to me. She and her two very nice friends, Zeke and Jim , all of them my angels, wanted me to live in a wild animal sanctuary - with other animals like me. They all sacrificed time and LOTS of money for me because they were determined to help me live! Zeke drove hundreds of miles to pick me up and take me away from the humans who did not want me any more. I went on a plane ride and arrived at my wonderful new home, a sanctuary in Florida. I have been told that I have some problems, like fleas, internal parasites, dehydration, calcium deficiency, and that I am only half of the weight I should be for my age, but the nice people here say that I am in good spirits. They told me I will be able to live here for the rest of my life.
I can never live out in the wild because I was bred in captivity and was taken from my mom way too soon, before I even knew that I was a bear, so I never learned any survival instincts to live out on my own. It cost a lot of money to rescue me and will cost a lot more to care for me and all of the other captive wild animals. I am hoping that you can help by making a donation. I can never thank you enough with only words for keeping me from being in a zoo or circus, and there could never be enough thanks for saving my claws and teeth which are usually pulled out of captive baby bears as they get bigger.
When you donate, you will know that you were a part of my survival and a part of saving my life. Maybe you can visit me at Peace River Refuge & Ranch in Florida one day. I hope you can. I would love to hug all of you.
Thank you all for saving my life.
I love you.
Elizabeth Rose
Click the link below to see my new home! It's pretty cool for a bear like me!
Peace River Refuge