Meaningful music, literature, be with friends, writing, good movies, even better wine...and, as all of us do, lurking around in midnight woods and barking at the moon.
Dirk Gently, to discuss the fundamental interconnectedness of all things and have tea with him.
Hunter S. Thompson 35 years ago to visit bat country with him and live through Las Vegas
Jesus to celebrate my birthday with him (guess he knows quite some interesting stories from India. Besides, I don't have to bother about buying wine).
Frodo and Bilbo for celebrating my girlfriend's birthday with them. Although I actually prefer Rivendell to the Shire. But I guess we can arrange that when it comes to it.
Terry Pratchett for hugging and thanking him all day long.
almost everything with a soul. As we writers tend to pigeonhole everything, this would probably be Black Metal, Doom Metal, Folk Metal, various kinds of Folk and some harsh, distorted electronic avalanches...and if you even would force me to mention a few bands, I currently would choose Dornenreich, Satyricon, Storm, Dimmu Borgir, Omnia, Emilie Autumn, Faun, Rome, Darkthrone, Muse, Dark Tranquillity, Rosa Crvx, Paradise Lost, Belasco, Drawn, Beatles, Sturmpercht, Scandy, Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio, T.Raumschmiere, Nadja, Cinema Strange, BURZUM, Summoning, Sigur Ros and tons more...
"The Lord of the Rings" by Peter Jackson for sure is one of my instant classics. And yes, I absolutely love the end of the final part!
Besides, everything either made by Tim Burton or made with Johnny Depp (the combination of these two factors always being a masterpiece), films by Terry Gilliam, David Lynch, Christopher Nolan and many, many more...
Not to forget "Die fabelhafte Welt der Amelie", of course. One of the most beautiful movies ever made.
alright...I confess: Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy! Besides, some good comedies like IT Crowd, Scrubs, Malcolm in the Middle or cartoons like Family Guy, Simpsons (but then, who doesn't), Striperella, Sex And The City, Futurama...
Tolkien, Pratchett, Gaiman, Adams, Dickens, Wilde, Shakespeare, Wodehouse, Milton, Pullman, Thompson, Austen, Thompson, Dick, Pullman, Rothfuss, Moers (the "Mythenmetz" books)...
Hunter S. Thompson for writing things the way they are.
Tolkien for investing a life's work into his dream.