Generate your own contact table!
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Generate your own contact table!
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
• First off I want to thank those people who made me feel shit, and made me question certain things in my life. ...unfortunately for you, you made me a wiser person, and made me realise so much about myself. • Talk shit about me all you want, I couldn't care less. I'm past all that now. Other people's lives are no concern of mine. • I do what I want, where I want, when I want. Don't like it? Shut your eyes and ears :) • I'd much rather be hated for being me, than be loved for being a fake, sucky bum who licks arses of the people they don't even like. Where is the logic in that please? • It baffles me when people say one thing and mean another. Again, where is the logic in that? • I don't share my problems with the parentals. I'm on earth to learn things for myself, not from other people. • I don't really take advice too well, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't appreciate someone taking the time out to give me it, after all, I'm always there dashing advice a cool guy.....