dude i would say.. profile picture

dude i would say..

i hope you all die

About Me

Take the quiz: "Which guitar are you"

B.C. Rich Warlock
You are a BC Rich Warlock. Its Gothic Shape and death metal sound have gotten it a good reputation with modern distortion enthusaists.poof. suddenly have the time to change my profile, but w/e. hey! im the kinda guy, who tries to sympathize with someone, or atleast ttry to relate with them, i always try to get a good laugh wen i can, but i tend to be serious most of the time, but when i am, you wont notice! but i am. and i tend not to be stream line with everyone else. so yeah, add me up if you want, you never get what you see.;)

My Interests

Anything that makes me not give a fuck about reality.

I'd like to meet:

How to make a miracle worker
1 part mercy
3 parts brilliance
3 parts determination
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Serve with a slice of fucked upness and a pinch of bitch slappin'. sh*T!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.comanyone i can fuck, chill with, smoke, drink, shit around with.


i tend to not be streamline


the non existent porn channel, and......


Animal Farm, Of mice and men,Cyanide and happiness


Music Video Codes By Musicjesus.com

My Blog


well, actually, NO... just came to say that im goin to leave the phillipines to go to the states real soon. i think its a new opportunity, even if it;s only gona be just me and my mom and school will ...
Posted by dude i would say.. on Fri, 04 Nov 2005 09:00:00 PST