sub lengua started as an idea. the idea existed in the air for a while, until it found 2 people to give it form. those 2 people were singer/songwriter DAVID PHILIPS and producer/composer REPLIKA. they knew they hadn’t concieved the idea... the idea already existed... they were just the ones chosen to develop the idea into something audible. the idea was this: to mix elements of acoustic guitar and bluesey, folky songwriting with elements of londons underground electronic music and dubstep scene. to create wide, expanisve musical landscapes... familiar stories told in an unfamiliar environment... a welcoming voice becconing from an unknown place.
david philips:
david philips is a very highly regarded guitarist/vocalist on the international jazz and blues scene. playing live and recording under various guises (hardly ever as "david philips") he has released albums on independent labels worldwide, both as a leader and as a side-man.
replika has gained a lot of respect as a producer of drum & bass and dub step. also recording/performing under different names, he continues to release cutting edge electronic music on various independent labels.
"sub lengua is a chance for us to try certain ideas that we couldn’t try with our seperate projects. its also a bringing together of very disperate styles of both music and writing.. finding the similarities between these styles and creative processes with the ideal of creating something new, fresh and innovative and yet familiar enough to make for enjoyable listening."