Animation, old-school toons and comic strips, illustration, character design, beer, knitting, kitsch & pop culture, animals, classic british comedy
John Lasseter, Hayao Miyazaki, any cartooning/animation bod who'll give me the time of day, really ;)
*PLEASE NOTE* - I am only accepting friends requests from other professional artists/creators or people I know personally. (or whomever I deem worthy).
I didn't really set this Myspace up to gather 'just a fan' friends. If you enjoy my work, please feel free to friend Tina . I run her space, too, and she LOVES attention.
Tori Amos, Jo Raposo, Vince Guaraldi, Musical theatre, jazz & blues, musical satire(Weird Al, They Might be Giants, PDQ Bach, Flanders & Swann etc)
Studio Ghibli movies, Pixar movies, Disney movies when they get it RIGHT....
MST3K, Doctor Who, Mythbusters, Robot Chicken, 80's girl toons (Jem and She-Ra a specialty)
Huge Taschen pop culture advertising books that make the shelves sag, old Sears/Monty Ward catalogues.
John Lasseter, Chris Sanders, Mary Blair, Sparky Schulz, Chuck Jones and the entire Termite Terrace, Hayao Miyazaki