you name that electronic shit im all over it like white on rice!! i love graffitti ive been taggin almost half my life and do many paintings and prints holler if you want to see some work! I LOVE BEING MYSELF!!! if your a hater, a player, a jerk, or just plain close minded please dont bother trying to talk to me i dont have time to squabble about the peasentries that you meaninglessly discuss in your free time :) shiiiiiiiit bitch im dj phiction! feel the flavor.. yep thats not folgers crystals thats the real funk.... FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA.. you rep the scene hit me up!!
Djs, Producers, Artists, Graf Writers, The Man In The Moon, and The Stinky Cheese ManMy whole life ive been dedicated to the arts, poetry, painting, graffitti, sculpture i got older i took to electronia, i would travel around and meet so many like minded people. Have you ever met someone and right away knew there was know way that you would ever let this person fall out of your range cause you wanted to see them progress and make the world a different place from the things you knew they were going to accomplish... i want to meet those people... i love life, the feel, the reality of knowing your making a difference in countless others lives.. know your self, know your role, be who you are....
HERO'Sdamn is this where i ramble on an on about my begginings about what makes me the musicly inclined individual that i am..... ok lets try this from a to z... ak1200, anabolic frolic, aphex twin, andyC, adamf, High Contrast, badcompany, biochip c, Dj Sandy, DJ VIRO, breakbeat malitia, damn i cant do this in alphabetical order hahaha soooo rob gee, c4 an b nice, joey g , factor e, dj fixx, all the old kal crew, all the guys at afterdark kicken ass 24 7, dj x, renixx, uberzone and davey dave you scratchin ass mofo you!!! josef plante mad love homie, and to all the boys on the p3 lable keepin it raw with new sounds!!!!.... damn simply jeff, the space men, dj icey, jackel an hyde, rabbit in the moon, let me say that again rabbit in the moon, CONFUcious you sick ass mofo,((((BUNNY THE MAN WITH THE PLAN))) dj venom, frankie bones, capitol j, freaky flow flipside, shy fx with tc wooo, hybrid, tony faline, Monk MONK MONK!!!! ;). brian van dalen, all the kemet crew, aphrodite, Dj Trashy, Malicious Mike, Rose, nd more coming soon my fingers are done finging lol....ok soooo more artists hahaha J smooth, Metalheadz, All my renegade hardware boyz, Gigantor, Knick, And the Enemy..... Dj Xdream, Darude for that banging party we rocked this last year, Kenneth Thomas, George Acosta, Freaky Freaky...Freaky Freaky Flow, Dj Icey, Baby Anne, Dj Gumbee, Dj Love more soon
ANIME...................Kubrick and Tarrentino...Anything Henson.....CHEECH AND MUTHAFUCKIN CHIZZZONG!!!!! half baked (like i always am) ANIME ANIME ANIME!!!
CARTOOONS !!!!! anything anime just like my movies lol, i love anime and well yeah let me say it again anything cartoon, um nuff said
i read all kinds of manga novels......mostly the clamp shit though cause those 4 girls know how to write a damn tight storyline with maaaaaaad good artwork.....check them out
My heros are all those who still do the deed without the greed, all my boys and girls across the world still in the scene for the music and expressing themselves not for the ass and the money.... if the scene would have been about the music none of the shit that happened never would have, leave your negative attitudes at the door, this is a stress free zone!!! THANK YOU ALL MY FLORIDA DJS WHO HAVE PUT OUT RECORDS SO THAT I CAN ENJOY THE MUSIC I LOVE YOUR MY HEROS ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!