Social Permaculture Advocacy Collective profile picture

Social Permaculture Advocacy Collective

I am here for Networking

About Me

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The S.P.A.C. is a collective with two divisions, nonprofit that advocates for the development of Social Permaculture by raising funds to train and supply organizers and their projects, and by providing various resources (informational materials, space etc.), and national, helping to re-organize current neighborhoods, towns and cities into sustainable communities - as well as challenging harmful tendencies, agreements and organizations, by any means deemed appropriate and necessary. The former S.P.A.C. division is attempting to incorporate for 501c3 nonprofit status so as to most effectively make use of financial opportunities in the funding of local programs and international solidarity efforts.
The S.P.A.C. is an adherent to the Sixth Declaration of the Selva Lacandona , a supporter of La Otra Compaña and a registered attendee of the II Encuentro de los pueblos zapatistas con los pueblos del mundo in July of 2007.
The S.P.A.C is not tied directly to any region but tends to follow the chief coordinator, Alec, for the time being. The S.P.A.C. will however likely be doing lots of work in Portland, OR, USA in the coming months. Projects initiated or supported by S.P.A.C. in the near future will likely be found there, and in general will be tied to their region.
Collective member advocates are planning on working on projects around the US and the world in the future.
Affiliated organizations
Sexto Sol - nonprofit Permaculture organization working in the Sierra Madres of Chiapas on sustainability projects, refugee and disaster relief.
Schools For Chiapas - a nonprofit organization helping with many projects in education, sustainability, agriculture etc. with offices in the Zapatista caracole of Oventic and elsewhere.
"I do not believe in a "force of history" outside of ourselves that makes drastic positive change impossible in our society, nor one that will cause change to occur without our direct participation. Only a lack of self confidence and an ignorance towards our own potential power and ingenuity is keeping us living in this mediocre and deadly routine."
-Alec C. K. chief coordinator
Part 2 on Youtube
Part 3 on Youtube

My Interests

Permaculture is a set of ethics and design principles to be used as a framework for designing or re-organizing ANY system so that it can sustain itself indefinitely (maintaining harmony within itself and with its external environment). A system is a functioning entity made up of physical elements (objects, plants, animals, people etc.) and their specific interactions or relationships.Social Permaculture is one contextual application of Permaculture in this place and time. S.P. puts a strong emphasis on the symbiotic relationship between primarily social/community systems and physical/logistical systems. That many movements fail to see this connection is part of the reason why we are currently faced with dual problems of corrupt and oppressive politics, and destructively wasteful market/societies, that materially benefit a few elites, exploiting the vast global majority while destroying the natural environment and resources that every one of us ultimately relies upon.
S.P. seeks to synthesize movements of social and ecological harmony so as to proactively resist the worst aspects of modern society, and simultaneously organize just, intelligent and responsible communities that can last.

I'd like to meet:

those who are willing to dedicate themselves to proactive sustainability advocacy, design, reoraganization and construction work, and social struggle here and abroad if need be.


"Block-rocking, system-knocking, lyrical-gun-cocking funkateers..."
ADELIT@S "Adelit@s is an anarchist punk band affiliated with PDX Sin Fronteras, a network of autonomous collectives in the Portland area whose aim is to combat capitalism and white supremacy as systems of domination and to link the anti-capitalist struggles of Latin America to our own struggles here at home."
Mandeep Sethi:Organik Art./Souled.Out.Underground "Experiencing, viewing, and analyzing the systematically perpetuated violence and oppression against minorities and immigrants in the United States, hip hop serves as a vehicle of dissent, retaliation, radicalization, and resistance."
Anima Mundi "a diverse collective of varying age, culture, gender and sexuality..." permaculture reppin' punk from LA.
More suggestions? Drop us a line with socialy conscious bands.


The Fourth World War


Amazing book list (by amazing author Derrick Jensen)
Other Recommended authors:
David Holmgren
Emma Goldman
Fritjof Capra
Petr Kropotkin
Paulo Friere
Ward Churchill
Bell Hooks
David Graeber
Noam Chomsky
E.F. Shumacher
Michael Lerner


those who lend their efforts to the struggle against mediocrity and oblivion

My Blog

Return to PDX

I will be back in Portland- if all goes according to plan- bright and early on the 8th. First on my to do list is to assemble the 501c3 aspect of the SPAC Nonprofit- that means gathering up a board of...
Posted by Social Permaculture Advocacy Collective on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 01:53:00 PST

Photos from the No Borders Camp- Migra riot. Support the prisoner Juan!

Photos from the last day of the No Borders Camp- Migra riotThis shows pretty clearly the actions and intentions of La Migra (Border Patrol) during the clash at the ending rally (Nov. 11th) in Calexico...
Posted by Social Permaculture Advocacy Collective on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 02:08:00 PST

Statement by the SPAC-National from the 2007 No Borders Camp

Statement by the SPAC-National from the 2007 No Borders Camp First we would like to mention the fact that this event occurred is amazing. These activities are vitally important- not to show such displ...
Posted by Social Permaculture Advocacy Collective on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 02:24:00 PST

No Borders Camp

Update from Coordinator Alec- today, after more than 21 hours on a bus, I crossed the USA/USM border and am now stationed at the San Diego City Hieghts Free Skool ( )...
Posted by Social Permaculture Advocacy Collective on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 08:21:00 PST

On to Tuxtla

Well today I wrapped up my tenure as intern at Tierra Linda and said goodbye to the Sexto Sol family. Having stayed with them in Motozintla was an amazing learning experience, and very inspiring. Alon...
Posted by Social Permaculture Advocacy Collective on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 06:48:00 PST

Relationship of the S.P.A.C. to the E.Z.L.N.

Some ambiguity on this topic on our part has been been brought to attention, so here is a brief description of our relationship, taken from a message by Alec regarding our role as Permaculture advocat...
Posted by Social Permaculture Advocacy Collective on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 04:29:00 PST

Coordinator Alec’s Birthday

Today I took a hot shower for my birthday. An important and dignified bird made a brief appearance at Tierra Linda. It was crested and had long, straight tail feathers, very beautiful. Tomorrow I plan...
Posted by Social Permaculture Advocacy Collective on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 04:20:00 PST

Statement of intention by Rebel Insurgente "A"

"I want to expand functioning cooperation- as in sensible, relational order without illegitimate oppressive hierarchy. I advocate for the dismantling of capitalism and all industrial, mass society th...
Posted by Social Permaculture Advocacy Collective on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 08:53:00 PST

Motozintla- some photos

Well for those who don't know I have returned to Chiapas and now I am working on a Permaculture site called Tierra Linda, throught the organization Sexto Sol (sixth sun in the Mayan calander) mostly h...
Posted by Social Permaculture Advocacy Collective on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 08:51:00 PST

Chiapas to Oaxaca

(for those who already know most of this, my appologies, and more updates soon) Hola todos mi amigos y familia! I hope all is well with you! I finaly took the time to start a group-email so I don't ha...
Posted by Social Permaculture Advocacy Collective on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 02:26:00 PST