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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

This is the MySpace page for Village Free School.
Phone: 503/788-3935
Address: 5747 SE 87th Avenue Portland, OR 97266
(on the property of St. Peter's Church/no affiliation)
School Hours: Mondays - Friday 7:30 - 4:00
We are a small non-profit private school located in SE Portland, and dedicated to education through an ideology of freedom, democracy, and self determination. We accept students between the ages of 5 and 18, and are always happy to hear from anyone who may be interested.
We need grown-ups too!! As teachers, volunteers, happy visitors, we love to have adults in our community- especially those who are good models of making your own way, thinking big/thinking outside the box, or have skills to offer. If you want to get involved, we'll find a place to make good use of what you have to offer! Just call us!
We seek friends who are creative, love life, have joy to share with the world, believe in lots of ways of learning and teaching, love freeschool, and/or are supercool people in Portland, OR. We also search for mutually beneficial relationships with community partners, opportunities to share resources and learn from each other.
Why Freeschool?
by Gavin Bowes
Freedom Creates Responsibility
Everyone has different cognitive abilities. Some people learn best with visual cues and others with auditory cues. Some thrive on study or written word while others need first hand experience to help them understand. Support for all ways of comprehension is built into freeschooling. Everyone takes on challenges in their own way, at their own pace, in their own style. Not only is this an authentic and non-coercive way to learn, but countless examples in freeschool history show that it is an extremely effective way. Children who are genuinely inspired to learn often progress at an accelerated, sometimes astonishing, rate.
Why are we here? We want to make our community a better place by giving youth space to be leaders, to care about humans, animals, and earth, to teach and practice non-violent communication, to create networks that unite organizations that can be helpful to each other, to address social justice issues in the neighborhoods where we live. We think that these things don't come with a pat curriculum, but by letting our children develop into creative caring people who can not only solve an equation, but can also solve bigger problems in their communities because they are encouraged to see the world in new ways.We are a non-profit school, and therefore keep tuition low enough to make ends meet, and fundraise to cover some of our student expenses.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hipmamas and Pirate dads. Curious kids and people who want to make Portland a better place through sharing a skill, volunteering, teaching, supporting, or by being friends. Grant writers. People interested in our school community in SE Portland. People with alternative plans and people looking for alternative plans. Big thinkers and doers. Lovers of freedom, people with ideas, people searching for belonging and meaning. Pragmatics and dreamers, idealists and revolutionists. Lost souls and connected people. Artists and movie makers. Speakers of languages and graphic designers. Experts and jacks-of-all-trades, DIY'ers and the self-taught. Fund raisers and marketers. Resource specialists. Anarchists and peace makers. Problem solvers and rebel rousers. Rock stars and folk singers. Speakers and presenters. Environmentalists and evangelists. Free schoolers around the world and freeschool graduates and grown-ups who wish they went to freeschool as kids.

About friends requests: We painstakingly search friends of friends of friends, scouring for awesome people to be a part of our community, even if only though our myspace friends list. If you got an invitation, it must be because you seem great and we'd love to know you better. :) Really!

My Blog

Check out this event: OPEN HOUSE at Village Free School

Hosted By: Village Free SchoolWhen: Saturday Nov 08, 2008 at 10:00 AMWhere Village Free SchoolSE 87th and FosterPortland, OR 97266United StatesDescription:Village Free School Click Here To View Event
Posted by on Sat, 08 Nov 2008 08:08:00 GMT

KIMYA DAWSON and JONAH Oct 18 for awesome show!

We are so very very lucky to have Kimya and Jonah playing at our school next weekend and hope you will join us.  Here's our blurb... please share it with your friends.  It will be a wonderfu...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 00:23:00 GMT

TEEN NIGHT, free event: MINORS! Ages 11-20 on Aug 9, 7pm-1am

So, there aren't many places for teenagers to hang out in Portland where they can relax, feel safe, meet new people, be themselves, and have fun.  It seems like everything is for little kids or 2...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 14:31:00 GMT

Summer School News!!! :)

We will be having three weeks of summer school this year at the Village Free School, and each week has its own special theme and activities. All three weeks are for ages four and up with the third wee...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 00:58:00 GMT

Summer School 2008!

see for more information We will be having three weeks of summer school this year at the Village Free School, and each week has its own special theme and activities. All thre...
Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 17:23:00 GMT

Summer Acting Class

This is from one of our parents at the free school: Hey  Friends,   I'm reviving an old project of mine to benefit The Village  Freeschool this summer. Radical Emerging Artists Laborato...
Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 17:20:00 GMT

Come party with us at Bagdad Theater!

The "BRING A DOLLAR, WE'LL MAKE YOU HOLLER" spectacular is happening March 14 at Bagdad Theater!  This donation-at-the-door event is a fundraiser for The Village Free School, a non-profit all-age...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 23:32:00 GMT

What's happening at the Village Free School?

When the sun comes out at the Village, the water sports also come out!  This week brought water baloon tosses along with spirited light saber fights.  Kids also made soda by mixing soda wate...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 20:19:00 GMT

Frequently asked questions about freeschooled kids

Frequently Asked Questions Q:  What will students do when it comes time for them to graduate?  Will they have all the resources available to them as students in public or charter schools?A:&...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 11:22:00 GMT

education quotations

Some of our favorite quotes about education.  Tell us which one is your favorite, or contribute more to our mix.  :) It is the duty of a citizen in a free country not to fit into society, bu...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 14:24:00 GMT