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Vermont for Obama


About Me

Barack Obama's Blurbs
I was fortunate to be able to grow up seeing America from varied viewpoints. My childhood was spent in Hawaii and Indonesia. After college I worked as a community organizer on the South side of Chicago focusing on improving living conditions in poor neighborhoods.
I came to understand that to truly solve the problems facing our communities, it would take a change in our laws and our politics. I ran and served for seven years in the Illinois state Senate, where I fought for expanding children's health care, providing tax cuts for the working poor and enacting welfare reform. In 2004, I was elected to the U.S. Senate, where I have worked to pass laws securing dangerous weapons and making government more accountable. I have also opposed the Iraq war from the start, and believe that we need to bring our troops home so we can refocus on the wider struggle against terrorism.
Of all my life experiences, I am most proud of my wife Michelle and my daughters Malia and Sasha.
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More than 3,000 events this Saturday

Join us this Saturday, June 28th, for a Unite for Change house meeting near you. Obama supporters will be opening their homes and reaching out to Democrats who supported other candidates in the prima...
Posted by Vermont for Obama on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 04:36:00 PST

Video: Al Gore and Barack Obama in Detroit, Michigan

Posted by Vermont for Obama on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 09:38:00 PST

Thank You, Senator Clinton

Moments ago, Senator Clinton officially announced her support for Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton made history over the past 16 months -- not just because she has broken barriers, but because she has in...
Posted by Vermont for Obama on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 01:08:00 PST

Video: Keeping Our Faith With Veterans

Barack gave a speech on veterans' affairs in Charleston, WV on May 12, 2008. These are his full remarks. ...
Posted by Vermont for Obama on Wed, 14 May 2008 09:34:00 PST

National Voter Registration Kickoff Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the official kickoff of Vote for Change, an unprecedented 50-state voter registration and mobilization drive. In over 100 cities across America, from Anchorage, Alaska to Miami, Florida, g...
Posted by Vermont for Obama on Fri, 09 May 2008 02:39:00 PST

Obama Campaign Announces 50-State Registration Drive

Today, we announce the Vote for Change drive, an unprecedented 50-state voter registration and mobilization drive, in which we will bring thousands of new people into the political process.On May 10th...
Posted by Vermont for Obama on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 09:08:00 PST

Watch Barack on HBO Real Sports & Michelle on Colbert Report Tonight!

Barack will appear on HBO Real Sports tonight at 10:00pm ET/PT. Watch him discuss his love of basketball with Bryant Gumbel. Check out the promo and complete show-time listings at
Posted by Vermont for Obama on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 03:58:00 PST

Whos out of touch?

You've probably heard about the latest dust-up in the Democratic race.A few days ago, Barack spoke about the frustrations that working people in this country are feeling and said what we all know is t...
Posted by Vermont for Obama on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 03:58:00 PST

Barack Obama Organizing Fellowship

I want to tell you about one of the most exciting projects of this campaign. It’s called the Obama Organizing Fellowship.When I was a young man, I was inspired by the Civil Rights Move...
Posted by Vermont for Obama on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 03:14:00 PST

Barack Needs Your Help In Pennsylvania

In the past few weeks, thousands of people from all across the country have traveled to Pennsylvania to help grow our movement.Thanks to supporters like you, we registered tens of thousands of new De...
Posted by Vermont for Obama on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 04:22:00 PST