Definition of glass (NOUN):Any of a large class of materials with highly variable mechanical and optical properties that solidify from the molten state without crystallization, are typically made by silicates fusing with boric oxide, aluminum oxide, or phosphorus pentoxide, are generally hard, brittle, and transparent or translucent, and are considered to be supercooled liquids rather than true solids.
The element of gLASs has energies that are transformative. Fluid glass moves seamlessly to give extraordinary inspiration that is expressive & creative in ways you may have never known was possible. gLASs has a naturAL way of dANCing and plaYing with tHE LIght. Looking through kalidescopes is groovy.Save The World - One Click At A Time!
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pEOPLe from all WAlkS of LIFE interested in developing a kINd LOViNg EnERgY in the World THRougH aRT and PaSSiOn. People with storefront that want beautiful jewelry to display in their windows and cases. "Out beyond the ideas of right-doing or wrong-doing there is a field - I'll meet you there" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To a layman, the water sounds like water, the rocks sound like rocks, but to some, a mellow vibration of all the combined elements of Nature makes a song for their pleasure.†-rOBIN a. mCaLISTER