"SOME PEOPLE HEAR THEIR OWN INNER VOICES WITH GREAT CLEARNESS AND LIVE BY WHAT THEY HEAR. SUCH PEOPLE BECOME CRAZY. OR THEY BECOME LEGENDS." ...There are few ways to relieve stress: Sex (I'm talking about the Romantic/intimate type), Laughter, Mary Jane, exercise, and cuddling next to someone you Love/like. If you can't do all of them, please at least do one of them.[No fat/obese women: I don't eat fatty foods and I'm not fat so I expect the same in women, unless were just friends. Besides, its the biggest turn-off] hiking...Politics...Government...Martial Arts/fighting... Philosophy...Economics...Global issues...Real Estate...the Military (every fucking day)...Sailing...jogs on the beach/swims in the ocean...Meditation...mountain/street biking...jogging/running...fitness...kayaking...erotic sex...rock/mountain climbing...Yoga...camping...Exercise...Weight-training...Not
being Lazy and getting fat..my 'Native-American' ancestry, culture, spirituality, and people.
Anyone who wants Social/Political change... Everyone who wants to help me become a Politician someday [Consider subscribing to my blogs to find out more]... If you become my friend/acquaintance, I EXPECT YOUR COMPLETE and UNDYING LOYALTY and DEVOTION to my POLITICAL/SOCIAL CAUSE because I'm looking out for EVERYONE'S (Democrats, Republicans etc.) interests... [If your fat/obese/chubby, then fucking exercise. There are no excuses and it's disgusting. When it comes to friends, it doesn't matter. However, I prefer that everyone is fit and exercises for their own health, not mine.]... B4 U consider 'adding' me, I expect a message introducing yourself first...
"On life's school of war: That which does not destroy me makes me stronger." - Nietzsche...Rage Against The Machine, Gwen Stefani, Eminem, Dixie Chicks, Greenday, Johnny Cash, Jack Johnson, Beethoven, Ben Harper, James Blunt, Maroon 5,& Elvis Presley, for example.
Fight Club...(You are not a beautiful & unique snowflake), Snatch, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Walk the Line, The Notebook, Troy, Benny and Joon, Pirates of the Caribbean, and every Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, and Angelina Jolie movie.
I am Jack's complete lack of interest. [If your offended by these anti-fat statements, then your probably obese/fat and need to rethink your lifestyle, diet and laziness.Fat is not 'cute'. No one in the history of this world has ever been born fat! ]
Create yours at BlingyBlob.com!
PHILOSOPHY: Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, Confucius. SPIRITUALITY: Native American, Zen, "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind", "Zen Sex: The Way of Making Love". SEX: The Kama Sutra, "How to Satisfy a Woman Every Time...and Have Her Beg for More!-The First and Only Book that Tells You Exactly How", "She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman". POLITICS: "The 48 Laws of Power", "Power Plays: Win or Lose--How History's Great Political Leaders Play the Game", "Legalizing Marijuana: Drug Policy Reform and Prohibition Politics", "Marijuana Myths Marijuana Facts: A Review Of The Scientific Evidence".
My maternal Grandmother (RIP 2006), parents, Military troopers, fitness people, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, women & Marxists.
Your Seduction Style: The Charismatic
You're beyond seductive, you're downright magnetic!
You life live and approach seduction on a grand scale.
You have an inner self confidence and energy that most people lack
It's these talents that make you seem extraordinary - and you truly are!
What Is Your Seduction Style?