JOSIE MEL profile picture


Josie "Rasta Still De 'Bout" Mel

About Me

Josie Mel started singing in church at the age of ten. While attending the Crooked River All Age he sang with the school group and preformed at school festivals. Josie was inspired by Puddy Roots of the Killer Phonic sound and his first raw exposure to the real dancehall was the Creation Sound system. At one of the dances he met producer Country Tony who took him into the studio Dynamic Sounds. Since then through the years Josie Mel has recorded for D & D Productions, Star Trail, New Creation and Black Scorpio to name a few . Among his single releases he has scored with songs like “Angel”, “Youths Fi Big” featuring Capelton on the friends for life rhythm and “Cross Roads” on the Right Now rhythm. Josie Mel has recently been creating impact with song like “Fantasy In Reality” on the New Creation Records Label and “Rasta Still Deh Bout” featuring Lutan Fyah on the Minor 7 Flat 5 label, which is doing very well on the local and overseas music charts. Now it’s the very booming tune “Guns Barking” featuring Mega Sample. Also With the New upcoming album. Josie strikes a hit again teaming up with Lutan Fyah in "This Whole World".

My Interests


Member Since: 5/13/2007
Band Website:
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Jamaica Observer Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Observer ..> ..> ..> CATCH THE RIDDIM Kevin Jackson, Observer writerFriday, October 21, 2005..> ..> Josie Mel..> Josie Mel's sophomore album due in December Josie Mel's collaboration wi...
Posted by JOSIE MEL on Wed, 16 May 2007 06:33:00 PST

Album "This Whole World"

Listen New Album "This Whole World" By Josie Mel At: www.minor7flat5.comSite Link
Posted by JOSIE MEL on Tue, 15 May 2007 05:54:00 PST