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Afrikaahn Riyhzing

Nyah Waist Beads- Remembering the Purpose in Your Life

About Me

Everything that is within will be brought to forward in due time. Ever since I can remember, I have searched for purpose in my life. Why am I here? What do I need to do? How can I be productive?I have created a new way in which to commemorate, remember, and/or live for the purpose in our lives. It took me a while to discover the truths about myself. I continue to develop and understand the various spiritual, mental and physical attributes that are unique to my person.With the study of Kamitic Spiritually I have been able to incorporate a true sense of joy and happiness in my life.As I learn to love (nurture & growth), my person is satisfied with knowing that I seek wholeheartedly to not become complacent with the social order we live within. Live.NYAH WAIST BEADS Waist beads that symbolize a purpose in your life! This activity was created because of a journey of self recovery and discovery. There are many aspects of our lives that require adjusting and development. We tackle issues such as addiction, truth-telling, work, grieving, spirituality, eroticism, reconciliation and forgiveness, community, and estrangement from nature. Collectively I would like to form better relationships between women in order to repair, rebuild and maintain healthy families.Thank you to Kendra Lee-Mills, bell hooks (Sister’s of the Yam), Queen Afua (Heal Thy Self), Vidnatu Kamara, Moliann Weir and Najahface ( for their inspiration of this project. As we continue to evolve I ask for permission and guidance from our ancestors. ASEWaist beads are a way for those who love beads to wear them. They offer those who have repressed creativity an opportunity to express it during the process of choosing and selecting the beads. Waist beads can also be wore to represent the remembrance and need for guidance from our ancestors. Some people create waist beads after the passing of a significant other or moment in their lives. It is important that you create your waist beads to represent a PURPOSE that you want to develop or encourage. You can wear as many as you want. So now as we begin the process of creating our waist beads, be sure to allow each bead to have the energy you intend. Let the process begin!

My Interests

Seeking the truth in everything that I do, living life to it's fullest, ovastanding my place in this world, I am a cup of Jah, traveling is a necessity...I am interested in learning how to create self employment. It is vital to follow one's dreams and not simply follow a job. Happiness comes when I am at peace with all that is around me. I am at peace today because I believe in the possibilities of my dreams. To learn more, lets have a conversation.I really enjoy a good book. Especially books about holistic and natural forms of health care.I love to dance! I am looking forward to learn how to Chicago step dance. Anyone interested in taking lessons? :-) Learning to BE.

I'd like to meet:


I love all forms of music. In particular, REGGAE classics and culture is my fav! I am a music connoisseur...oldies, goodies, ANYTHING!...test my knowledge!


TWINKLE Lyrics ..


Everything that nurtures and helps to RAYS me to heightened knowledge of self.


my PARENTS, Marcus Garvey and all of my great and intelligent ANCESTORS!

My Blog

The Seven Chakras...

................................ .. .. ........ .. .. Chakra is a Sanskrit (ancient language of ....India....) word for wheel, or circle for the 7 energy centers of the body.&nbs...
Posted by Afrikaahn Riyhzing on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 07:52:00 PST

The Truth About the Federal Reserve

................................ .. .. .. .. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE FEDERAL RESERVE Prepared by Pastor Ray Hagins .. .. What is the responsibility of ...
Posted by Afrikaahn Riyhzing on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 07:51:00 PST

Countering the COINTELPRO

COUNTERING THE COINTELPRO By Pastor Ray Hagins The purpose of this message is to help us learn from the history of COINTELPRO, so that our ministry can better ...
Posted by Afrikaahn Riyhzing on Sun, 18 May 2008 10:21:00 PST

The Path To Afrikan Empowerment

THE PATH TO AFRIKAN EMPOWERMENT By Ray Hagins, Ph.D.   A "Free People" has control of their land, water and other natural resources, production of their own food, control of the means of produ...
Posted by Afrikaahn Riyhzing on Sun, 18 May 2008 10:19:00 PST

Moorish Renaissance

Knowledge Press -Publishing Independent Thoughts from the Black Community for the Black Community MOORISH RENAISSANCE   "The inhabitants threw all their refuse into the drains in the center of t...
Posted by Afrikaahn Riyhzing on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 03:04:00 PST


WAR -Bob MarleyUntil the philosophy which hold one race superior And another Inferior Is finally And permanently Discredited And abandoned - Everywhere is war - Me say war. That until there no longer...
Posted by Afrikaahn Riyhzing on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 06:31:00 PST

Dr. Cornel West lends a hand to hip hop

..>DR. CORNEL WEST IS BLACK AT IT AGAIN! By: . EURWeb Apr. 25, 2007   ..> ...
Posted by Afrikaahn Riyhzing on Tue, 22 May 2007 08:14:00 PST

How to Completely Cleanse your being of TOXINS.

A technique that has been used to cure AIDS and Sickle CellDr. Sebi is a doctor who has cured over 70 people from AIDS and it has been recognized by the New York Supreme Court . THETRUTH WILL SET YO...
Posted by Afrikaahn Riyhzing on Sun, 13 May 2007 10:27:00 PST