anything nerdy, gadgets, widgets, gidgets, midgets, movies, video games, poker, video production stuff
My maker, Scott Baio, Willy Ames, Tina Yothers, the other guy in Wham, Jack Black, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and Dog The Bounty Hunter
Stryper, Hanson, Coldplay, The Hero Factor, Keith Green, Jacob Wright, U2, Billy Joel, Fountains of Wayne, Keane, Star Sailor, Travis, Guster, Stephen Speaks and Stephen Shut Up
Napoleon Dynamite (I have to put this right?),Memento, Hoop Dreams, The Goonies, Gremlins, too many to list, basically anything that is NOT the Dukes of Hazzard
FoodTV, Jesus TV and if they could only combine those into one giant cooking-Jesus-sports show...
The Education of Little Tree, Easy Riders:Raging Bulls, Sole Influence, English to Swahili Dictionary (you never know)
Jesus, John Russell, anyone who eats at Taco Bell more than once a month