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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi there :) So I've decided to update this as my previous 'bio' doesnt represent who or where I am today.... I'm now the ripe ol' age 21 and no longer in Uni where I studied New Media and English.I came to work in Dublin as part of my co-op college course and never went back! Dublin/Working fulltime/Having responsiblities is good for me- I've learned a lot, copped on and matured in general. That being said I do not regret for even a second all my antics in UL, or anything to do with college. Some of my wildest, most exciting memories come from my college days and I have met the most beautiful people there, whom I am lucky enough to call friends. They have stuck by me all the way...great memories + great experiences! Music and Maurice are the most important 'things' in my life. Because Maur is really concentrating on his music at the mo, I get to accompany/follow him all about the country to various gigaroos. We can normally be found in bus aras or on the nightlink with a million bags having legged it round half the country in a day-panicking about missing the next bus haha...wouldnt have it any other way! So thats that- Maurice is the love of my life - Music is my life and meeting up for girlie catch-ups are almost impossible to pre-arrange with me-I know...Im sorry!!!

My Interests

Music-either going to gigs, chilling out at home or playing (trying to!!) I've also rediscovered my love for reading now that I dont have lecturers shoving books down my throat!
Claire McConnell

I'd like to meet:

People who interest me, inspire me and bring out the best in me....and who can talk music for hours and hours and hours...

adopt your own virtual pet!


Duke Special, The Frames, Mark Geary, Dave Gray, Van the Man, Dylan, Nina Simone!! Muddy Waters, Mic Christopher, Jeff Buckley, Queens of the Stone Age, System of a Down, Metallica, Kaiser Chiefs, Greenday, Bob Marley, Ben Harper, DMB, Jack Johnson why cant you ever think of any at these times??! Oh and Maurice Ramsbottom of course :)


Dirty Dancing! Pulp fiction, Saw, Moulin Rouge, The Commitments kind of an ecclectic mix!


Meh, CSI, Bones, ATL, Other Voices, Imeall Geal, Scrubs, Two and a Half Men and stuff and stuff


The most stand-out book that I've ever read is SHANTARAM by Gregory David Roberts. Check it out dudes


Mic Christopher

My Blog

Foy Vance

Well I originally posted this as a bulletin but they tend to disappear within seconds with all the 'I'm bored' bulletins so I thought I would make it a more permanent fixture....   ...So I had he...
Posted by claire on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 03:12:00 PST

I've been tagged Grrr!!

If you received a message from me to read this it means that I tagged you. This is just a little survey where you can write 10 weird and wonderful facts, habits about yourself and it's nice to share. ...
Posted by claire on Wed, 30 May 2007 08:20:00 PST