music, friends, my computer, photography, drawing, smiling, photoshop, movies, TATTOOS, drummer,DRUMMER WITH TATTOOS, Icecream, summer, butterflies,freckles, freckles. freckles, stars, Jesus and many more
Glorybox, TSTGU, Kryptonite Garden, ROYAL, Lampshade, Lionheart Brothers, Cozy Chair, Silverchair, Misprint, Massive Attack,The Gathering, Hooverphonic, Sigur Ros,at the close of every day,deftones, Incubus,coldplay, U2, Seven Mary three,Angels & Airwaves, Death Cab For Cutie,Tiger Lou, Frou Frou, this beautiful mess Jackson 5,Silver,JEREMY,HYPERCHILD and last but not least SERENA MANEESH
Lord of the rings, Amelie,Garden State Sonnenallee, school of rock, american history X, the ring, Shrek 1+2, Kill Bill 1+ 2, Four rooms,SAW,Donnie Darko, Butterfly Effect, 21 Gramm, Daenische Delikatessen....
The Simpsons,stupid MTV-Shows,Gilmore Girls
Bible, Catcher in the rye, books by C.S. Lewis, Blutsgeschwister-Catalog, books by Florian Illies,Books by John Katzenbach and psycho-thriller in general
Justus Jonas
Peter Shaw
Bob Andrews