Young, talented and unsuccessful...
The story of an artist who grew up in the wrong decade (maybe) and in the wrong country (definitely).
After playing 550 concerts in 15 countries, recording over 150 songs and selling thousands of e.p.s and records without help from managers or record companies there´s one question jumping through Daniel Benjamin´s career: what is the measure of success?
From finally having an own drumset in the 80´s, the first punk rock band with 14, writing songs, promoting his own live shows, self – releasing recordings made at home until being able to make a living from his own creativity, Daniel Benjamin has scored a lot of goals that most modern „pop stars“ haven´t achieved yet.
But still there are no cover stories in magazines or video clips on MTV, no sold out arena gigs and platinum records.
The increasing number of dedicated fans could imagine Daniel Benjamin there and he himself would be glad to be the next big thing. His melodies could be little anchors in the heads of millions, his sound could catch the masses and his aura could make him a new icon.
But who is gonna bring him there? Signing to Germany´s number one indie record company Haldern Pop Recordings and getting record deal offers in numerous other European countries is one step but more important are YOU: whatever you think you can do you are exactly the right person to spread the news in your world.
Thank You!
if you wanna buy a album or an ep from daniel benjamin so feel free to send a message
The Ocean EP / September 2003 (AVAILABLE HERE for 2 Euro)
Bloodculture Compliation No.1/Spring 2004 (AVAILABLE HERE for 3 Euro)
The City EP / June 2004 (SOLD OUT)
The Mountain EP / July 2004 (SOLD OUT)
Lightning strike me EP/ December 2004 (SOLD OUT)
Bloodculture Compliation No.2/ Summer 2005 (AVAILABLE HERE for 5 Euro)
Daniel Benjamin Debüt CD selfreleased/ December 2005 (SOLD OUT)
Daniel Benjamin Debüt CD released by Haldern Pop Recordings 26.Oktober 2006 (SOLD OUT)
Daniel Benjamin Debüt LP released by Haldern Pop Recordings 26.Oktober 2006 (AVAILABLE HERE for 15 Euro)
Daniel Benjamin Debüt CD 2. Edition with a Bonus Cd with 18 tracks 15.06. 2007 (AVAILABLE HERE for 15 Euro)
if you wanna buy an album or an ep of daniel benjamin feel free to send
us a message...