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Embrace Forever

El Pollo Loco!

About Me

CD release 6-2-07 FWSMN

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Hailing from the coastal town of Salinas, California, Embrace Forever is a five-piece band that hope to bring exciting and catchy heavy music to the masses. From humble beginnings in the Summer of 2003, the group has grown into an uncompromising musical powerhouse that fearlessly blends the raw energy and integrity of hardcore with the sizzling sonic brutality of metal; the sharp wit and infectiousness of punk rock; and the anthemic, epic qualities found in modern rock music--all with hopes of giving the world something fresh from a music scene that seems all too frequently crowded with familiarity.While a live performance from Embrace Forever is indeed an in-your-face, attention-grabbing spectacle to behold; the band's true power lies in their passion for songwriting. Meaty riffs pair with pounding blast beats, only to be subdued by a soothing melodic hook just mere moments later. An upbeat anthem can burst into an inferno of rage at any given moment. These are just examples of the dynamics applied to Embrace Forever songs from the band's inception--Embrace Forever strive to be a band whose songs are just as exciting to listen to at home as they are to see performed live.The band will enter the Love Juice Labs studio in Riverside, California, in April of 2008 to begin recording their debut full-length release. While they hope that interest has been gained by the songs on their debut EP, the boys hope to shatter all boundries and expectations with the follow-up. Expect a more dynamic set of songs--heavier than ever at certain points, and softer than ever at others. Expect melodic hooks abound with unconventional mixtures of singing and screaming. Most of all, expect to hear and see a band that is all the more closer to achieving a sound that can be recognized as their own.All in all, Embrace Forever heed no boundries and hope to befriend audiences of all underground rock subgenres with their sincerity and passion for what they are playing. Each song is heartfelt and honest, as well as each embarking on a different musical journey than the last. These boys are just starting to gain momentum, and they look forward to making countless new friends as they continue on their way...

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My Interests


Member Since: 5/14/2004
Band Website: embraceforever.com
Band Members: FOR BOOKING: (831) 682-3821 or message us via MySpace or email us at [email protected] Click pic to view profile.
Influences: Pretty much every type of metal, punk, alternative, hardcore, indie rock and beyond. Far too many to list. Chances are, if it rules, we probably dig it, and it probably influences our music somehow...
Sounds Like:







Brutal, yet melodic. Comparable to: Evergreen Terrace, Thrice, Strung Out, Poison the Well, Every Time I Die, Protest the Hero, The Bled, The Dillinger Escape Plan, A Life Once Lost, Story of the Year, The Agony Scene, Zao.
Record Label: Interested parties, please inquire!!
Type of Label: None

My Blog

new song lyrics

Here's the words to the new tracks in our player so you can rock along with us... "The Shade of Panic" Tape your mouth shut 'til your mind's awakeYou never know exactly what you'll sayThe payback part...
Posted by Embrace Forever on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 03:08:00 PST

Band update...June, 2008

Dear Friends, We have been working for some time trying to get our band on the road this Summer, while at the same time trying to finish the final touches on our full-length recording, and get it read...
Posted by Embrace Forever on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 06:54:00 PST

Tomorrow, Batman Begins...well not really, but our new album does!

Hey everyone, tomorrow is our official first day at the studio as we begin recording our first full-length! We’re freakin’ stoked as can possibly be, and we hope you are too. It’s be...
Posted by Embrace Forever on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 04:59:00 PST

nude pics!!

haha, just kidding. seriously though, we're in the process of gathering some pics together, and we just thought we'd take a shot in the dark and see if any of you might have some pics from shows/hangi...
Posted by Embrace Forever on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 05:30:00 PST

new album update

What's up, everyone! We hope this blog is finding you well. I know things have been fairly quiet for us for the last couple months, but I would definitely like you to all to know that it's been time w...
Posted by Embrace Forever on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 07:30:00 PST

Now booking for 2008...

Hey friends, hope your holidays are shaping up to be stupendous!!We're enjoying some nice writing/recording time right now. We are continuing to write songs for our full length that'll get recorded in...
Posted by Embrace Forever on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 06:23:00 PST

just kidding (11/03/07)

So I know we posted a blog stating that Jay was leaving Embrace Forever, but we've been talking about it and we've come to the conclusion that we would all rather stick together instead of changing th...
Posted by Embrace Forever on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 01:23:00 PST

back in the saddle again...(10/24/07)

Hey friends, we've been a bit quiet for the last month or so, so I just wanted to give everyone a quick "hello," and let you know what's happening... We pretty much took the majority of September/Octo...
Posted by Embrace Forever on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 08:41:00 PST

only came to do 2 things: kick some ass + drink some beer! looks like were almost outta beer..

What's up, friends!! Hope you have all had a fantastic Summer--we definitely did! Got to play in a bunch of cities we've never played in before and meet a ton of cool-ass people on the way. Good times...
Posted by Embrace Forever on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 05:04:00 PST

Home Grown Festival!!

..> So yes, as of this afternoon it was confirmed: We WILL be on Santa Cruz X 103.9's Home Grown Festival on August 18th!!!!THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO VOTED, posted bulletins, called friend...
Posted by Embrace Forever on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 07:08:00 PST