My name is David. I'm scottish but I'm not looking for a fight! I'm a Filmmaker, Actor. Anybody can make movies now. But I only aspire to make movies that are "great". I am not going to add to the crap out there.
I shoot this original heist movie in London later this year. I like genre character driven movies that have a fresh angle to them. This is not just a guys with guns flick.
Bravados is about "Six Guys pulling off a heist", but that is where the similarities end. The story is told from a unique real perspective that has never been done before in this genre.
I will be casting the major roles through conventional routes, but I also decided to see who I could find on here. The main support roles I will be casting via myspace are the "ARMED BODYGUARD" roles. If you want to be considered for one of these roles, go to the "bodyguards" page below.
I am always on the lookout for talented people, so I welcome specific emails. I will answer everybody's emails, but I don't do general "chat". Nothing personal, no time.
I am pretty ambitious, so I also like to connect with positive people who are doing, or trying to do something with their lives.
I also shoot a very creepy horror thriller in Los Angeles around at the end of the year. "DRIVE-IN" AKA: "DEATH MOVIE". LA based talent can find my page link for this movie on the banner below.