...Dawn of Division is a band that was formed by Orestis during 2002
in the Hellenic city of Ioannina, in order to write black metal music.
After having some riffs and ideas in mind the first demo
"Outrage of Desolation" is being recorded from January till May of 2003
and is finaly released in a CD-R form during September of the same year.
In October of 2004 the song " Fall Of The Kingdom Pt.II" is included in the
compilation Tape " Of Hate and Blood .."that is released by Illegal Angel
In June of 2005 the second demo "Awaiting the Dawn" is released in aCD-r form
by the Australian label Graveyard Records 666 (www.graveyardrecords.cjb.net
In November of 2005 the first two demos "Awaiting the Dawn"and"Outrage of
are rereleased in tape form by Divinity Records (www.divinity-records.cjb.net)
Dawn of Division creates a live line up :
( Orestis/Vocals-Guitar, Kostis/Keyboards, Nick/Drums, Diviner/Guitar, Swthrhs/Bass.)
The 1st live takes place in Thessalonikh on 13/01 with: Kawir
and Dark Messiah