Music, Books, Movies, Blogs, Beer (lager, amber, bock, no piss please), Comic Books, Anime, 80's Cartoons, Table Top RPGs (d20 mostly), Action Figures, blasphemy, atheism
People who are interesting to talk to.
Metal, Celtic, Dance, Goth, Industrial, Dimmu Borgir, Aphex Twin, Dark Tranquility, Amon Amarth, Mayhem, Marilyn Manson, NIN (Nine Inch Nails), Cradle of Filth, Nightwish, Kamelot, HIM, Burzum, Satyricon
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Action, Western
Lost, G.I. Joe, Dragonball Z, Star Trek, Rome, Deadwood
Origin of Species (Charles Darwin), Dune (Frank Herbert), The Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan), The Vampire Chronicles(Anne Rice), God Is Not Great (Christopher Hitchens), The Ancient Engineers (L. Sprague De Camp)
Todd McFarlane, Trent Reznor, Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens