ARTEFACT - Ruins out now ! profile picture

ARTEFACT - Ruins out now !

Ruins out now !

About Me

Genesis Of Artefact

rtefact is a black metal band from France. According to the band itself, its name is taken from the medieval fantasy universe, and evokes a magical item. Its music, delving largely into influences such as Emperor, Arcturus, Bathory, Opeth, Burzum, Dimmu Borgir, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Satyricon, is a colourful mixture between different genres: folk or medieval tunes, ethereal moods, powerful and massive heavy metal composition, as well as a touch of progressive music in its arrangements. However different, all these elements succeed in blending together in carefully constructed, narrative and unity-seeking musical pieces.

Son Of Solstice era (2000-2003)

rtefact was created in year 2000, by guitarist Aldebaran , and Alucard. Together, they composed and recorded a demo, Same, and determined the musical orientation of their project. Meeting with Ranko (drums), Alexis (bass), from Oktopod, and Camille (guitar) in 2002 allowed the group to prepare for a first album. By then Alucard was willing to leave, not having time enough. A line-up of four was thus established. 2003: Artefact recorded his first album, Son of Solstice, Kallaghan’s studio, with singer Sly from Shimmer of Chaos. An opus quite favourably received at the time. Then the band invited a new singer, Runenlyd , who currently sings and plays also as a guitarist in Deviance.

Magic Spellcraft (2003-2006)

ugust 2004: Artefact was representative of France, and more particularly of south east France and County of Nizza (Nice), in the Wacken Battle, which contest occurs during the Heavy Metal Festival Wacken Open Air. The band earned a third prize, which helped them composing, then recording a second opus, Magic Spellcraft, which included new epics, and strong aggressive pieces. Magic Spellcraft was produced by Rupture Music, and was released on the 18th april 2006.The new opus was quite well received and got positive reviews, for instance in "Metallian", and "". Then two new members joined the band: Sephiroth (keyboards) in 2006, as well as Olwe Telrunya (guitar) in 2007.

Ruins Age (2007-2008)

uins, the next album is coming out very soon. Artefact is back to the source, performing a black-Metal that is still melodic and atmospheric, yet with an emphasis on the medieval landscape riffs.
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My Interests


Member Since: 10/11/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:
Line-up (from left to right)

    Runenlyd : vocals Aldébaran : guitars, choirs Alexis : bass guitar, flute Ranko : drums Sephiroth: keyboards Olwe Telrunya : guitars


Ruins / Reviews :
Metallian : 5,5/6
"Après le sensationnel Magic Spellcraft, comment nos artistes d'Artefact pourront-ils revenir plus inspirés, plus techniques et encore plus puissants ? Tout simplement en amenant un album comme Ruins. En effet, dès les premières notes acoustiques de "Their Cave" qui s'échappent rapidement pour laisser place à une puissante rythmique, on sent la maturité d'Artefact qui a encore une fois de plus transformé son entité musicale et placé la barre très haut."
Magic Spellcraft / Reviews :
Nightfall In Metal Earth : 5/5 Album of the Month
[...] Ainsi donc, elle aura duré près dune heure, lépopée de ce fier combattant à la personnalité originale et déjà affirmée bien assez longtemps pour me convaincre de la chose suivante : Avec ARTEFACT, la France possède largement de quoi revendiquer sa place au sein de lélite métallique. Et ce « Magic Spellcraft » confirme les énormes espoirs déjà placés en cette formation. Alors, que claque valeureusement sa bannière ! Et que les vents en transmettent la clameur bien au-delà de nos frontières !
Metallian : 5,5/6
"Son Of Solstice", le premier album autoproduit des Français avait subjugué votre narrateur qui mettait beaucoup d'espoir en ce jeune groupe. Sans vous en dire plus (...), cette nouvelle offrande, Magic Spellcraft", la magie opère [...] Que dire de plus, nous sommes là en présence d'un album exceptionnel qui captive de bout en bout pendant près de soixante minutes avec une inspiration et un niveau de composition rarement égalés"

Sounds Like: ARTEFACT
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


A new interview of the band is available here : Interview Guitar 6
Posted by ARTEFACT - Ruins out now ! on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 01:06:00 PST


Posted by ARTEFACT - Ruins out now ! on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 02:46:00 PST

Magic Spellcraft is out!

We're happy and proud to announce the release of our second LP:MAGIC SPELLCRAFTYou can order it from our website's shop section....
Posted by ARTEFACT - Ruins out now ! on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 01:46:00 PST