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About Me

About mothra...:Mothra is destroying stages since 2000/01 with Piotr Koryzma (vocals), Daniel Szwed (drums), Andrzej Burzynski (bass) and Pawel Rosiak (guitar) on the board. After first few months of existance, band recorded their first promo single, entitled 'Sugar'01'. After that, musicans focused on touring and writing new songs, which appeared on 2004's 'Demo CD' - six-tracks EP, recorded by the band itself. It wasn't an awesome sounding material with killing produce work, but even without it, listeners had found rarely presented kind of energy joined with mathematicly combined and still melodic playing. The following years were just a lot of gigs and a lot more of interesting and inspiring people met, which helped the band to realize some of their ideas. It was Mothra's breaking period, as the material for their full lenght debut album has been composed. 'Planet Decibelian' was released by young polish label Red Swallow on May 20'th, 2006. It contains 11 brutal sounding - math combined songs and gets enthousiastic reviews at all the places of appearance. The band is touring constantly with most of recognized and appreciated bands appearing nationwide (Modern Life is War, Maroon, Born From Pain, Omission, First Blood, Sunrise, Nyia just to name few), workin on a "one of the best live acting chords in polish area" headline.................................................... ............................................Mothra niszczy sceny od przelomu 2000/01 w skladzie Piotr Koryzma (vokal) Daniel Szwed (perkusja), Andrzej Burzynski (bas), Pawel Rosiak (gitara). Po kilku miesiacach dzialalnosci zespól zarejestrowal swój pierwszy promo singiel. Utwór sygnowano Sugar'01. Nastepne lata to kilkanascie koncertów ale przede wszystkim praca nad materialem, której owocem bylo Demo'04 skladajace sie z szesciu kompozycji. Pomimo fatalnej jakosci realizacji studyjnej nagrania, sluchacze odnalezli w muzyce zespolu rzadki rodzaj energii polaczony z matematycznie pocietymi ale ciagle melodyjnymi kompozycjami. Kolejne lata to koncerty i wielu interesujacych i inspirujacych ludzi, z pomoca których udalo sie urzeczywistnic wiele pomyslów. Jest to przelomowy okres dla zespolu. W tym czasie zostal zarejestrowany material na debiutancki album "Planet Decibelian", którego wydania podjal sie mlody polski label Red Swallow. 20 maja 2006 Mothra przy wsparciu Red Swallow wypuszcza "Planet Decibelian". Plyta zawiera 11 brutalnie brzmiacych, polamanych kompozycji i zbiera bardzo dobre recenzje wszedzie gdzie sie pojawia. Zespól koncertuje bardzo intensywnie z najciekawszymi i najbardziej znanymi zespolami pojawiajacymi sie w okolicy (Modern Life is War, Maroon, Born From Pain, Omission, First Blood, Sunrise, Nyia wymieniajac tylko kilka), pracujac na miano "jednego z najlepiej prezentujacych sie na zywo zespolów w kraju".

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

MOTHRA Technological Death


100 Demons, Blacklisted, Blinding Light, Breather Resist, Cast Aside, Converge, Cursed, Embrace Today, Halfacre Gunroom, Horror Show, Integrity, Killing The Dream, Modern Life Is War, Most Precious Blood, Nine, The Promise, Razor Crusade, Ringworm, Sex Positions, Some Girls, So Be It, Switchblade, The Power & The Glory, Doomriders, Omission, No Turning Back, Dead Hearts, Malkovich i pare innych.Na poczatku 2006r "Planet Decibelian" MOTHRA