The 100 Robots Project is and was many things. In March of 2007, it was an idea. In June, it was a game. In July, it was serious. On July 3rd, 2007, it was a test that took place on 3 streets in Manchester, New Hampshire. In the rest of July, it started to do something I didn't think it would do... it began to grow. More artists in Manchester (NH) wanted to participate. So, I'm extending my reach to the rest of the United States to see if we can all accomplish one thing... National recognition.
I've decided to make this a yearly project. Every year, on July 3rd at 9PM (time zones don't matter... it's 9PM), artists will stick their magnetic art across their hometown. I don't know what's going to happen as a result of a large number of artists doing the same project at the same time across the country. It would be nice to find out, though...
The rules:
1. All art for The 100 Robots Project doesn't have to be robots.
2. All art must be magnetic. Magnet paper is cheaper than canvas, so it shouldn't cut too much into your art supply budget.
3. Do NOT place your art on police cars, federal property, or someone else's property without their permission.
4. All participating artists must send me a message with their name and hometown so I can add you to the list. The list is for your benefit. If this project actually takes off, it would be nice to have your name on it for your town, wouldn't it?
5. Do NOT cencor yourself. If your art is explicit, then it's explicit. Just don't place a magnet of bloody demons having sex on a bed of nails near a Toys 'r' Us... have some sense if your art is considered "offensive".
That is all...
...Now my left leg is asleep...