It all started very spontaneously in July 2004. Damir, Nesha, Sasha and Zyel gathered around and just played whatever crossed their minds. It all happened so fast, with so much excitement and flame, that only after couple of months they had seven kick-ass songs. They didn’t want to waste any time, and immediately went to studio to record their first demo. “We don’t have a name for the band yet! How should we call it?†Damir asked. “Never mind that, man. We’ll get to it.†said Zyel. And that was it. So in October they returned to Ruma with their demo CD.
People were shocked because very few knew that they even started that band, but anyways they liked it and the first gigs took place. Due to obligations on the work and at school they don’t play as much as they used to, but from time to time they gather around, write some new songs and play a gig or two…
You can download their songs and whole "Salvation Will Never Come" EP down in the discography section.
Sve je pocelo vrlo spontano jula 2004. godine. Damir, Neša, Saša i Zjel su se okupili i svirali sve što bi im palo na pamet. To se sve dogodilo brzo, sa toliko uzbudenja i plama da su nakon svega par meseci imali sedam žestokih pesama. Nisu želeli da gube vreme i odmah su otišli u studio snimiti svoj prvi demo. "Nemamo još ni ime za bend! Kako cemo se zvati?", pitao je Damir. "Ma, nije bitno, doci cemo i do toga.", rece Zyel. I to je bilo to. Tako su se u oktobru vratili sa svojim prvim demo CD-om.
Ljudi su bili šokirani, jer je retko ko znao da su oformili bend, ali im se muzika svidela, a i prve svirke su održane. Zbog obaveza na poslu i u školi više ne sviraju tako cesto, ali se s vremena na vreme okupe, napišu po koju novu pesmu i odrade svirku ili dve...
Možete preuzeti njihove pesme, kao i ceo mini-album "Salvation Will Never Come" u odeljku sa diskografijom.
Never!mind - Kill Yourself
Never!mind - Life (Live @ DOR)