Music, spirituality, nature, learning, and butt hair plucking.
Anyone who is a free spirit and who is not afraid to question things.
More recent stuff: Queens of the Stone Age, Porno for Pyros, Audio Slave etc... Older stuff, King Crimson, Frank Zappa, Yes, Early Genesis, John Lennon, Jimmy Hendrix etc...
Teletubbies, what else?
Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism by Chögyam Trungpa The Astral Body by A. E. Powell, The Spiral Dance by Starhawk, The Way of Zen by Aln Watts, Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why by Bart D. Ehrman
John Lennon, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Buddha, Christ, and Pee Wee Herman!!