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Without transgression there is no knowledge. .

About Me

Remember Smiles and Laughter
That's the way I'll Remember You
Remember with Tears and Sadness
Then don't Remember me at all...

My Interests

Terence McKenna's Ex-Library

February 7 a 5-alarm blaze erupted in an old building in downtown Monterey. The fire started in a Quizno’s sub shop, that exemplar of tasteful dining, and went on to thoroughly destroy a number of joints, including Goomba’s Italian Restaurant, a Starbucks, and some storage offices belonging to Big Sur’s Esalen Institute—ground zero for the human potential movement and now an upscale New Age resort. Esalen lost little of their own archives, the vast bulk of their books, photos, audio and videotapes residing elsewhere. Unfortunately, the institute was also using the offices to store the amazing library of Terence McKenna, the visionary psychedelic bard who passed away in 2000. The plan was to eventually install the books at Esalen, a place that Terence loved but which is hardly associated with scholarly pursuit. That plan will never be realized.

For those who knew Terence or enjoyed his library, the fire is a tragedy, and not simply because it consumed his private papers. Terence's library reflected the multidimensional facets of his own mind: mysticism and history, drugs and dreams, science fiction and systems theory, natural history and art. Terence was a head who fed his head with books more than the drugs he became known for.

Terence became a bookhound as a wee lad, and stumbled across amazing finds along his tangled way. One time, on the way to India, he came across a Theosophy library in the Seychelles that was closing its doors, and picked up its large collection of occult literature, all bound in red leather, for peanuts. The top floor of the home he built on the big island of Hawaii was designed partly to gather his thousands of volumes in one place.

Terence's brother Dennis owns an index of Terence’s collection, which will at least give us an overview of his library—sorta like a playlist without the MP3s. But even this valuable document will not replace the body of knowledge itself—a body that had become, in the weird ways of the memetic world, a kind of second body for Terence’s fabulous and fascinating mind. No budding head will ever be able to poke through this collection again, with its faintly perfumed volumes on Chinese alchemy and butterflies and hash. And the world has one fewer 1659 folio of Isaac Casaubon’s A True and Faithful Relation of what passed between Dr. John Dee and some spirits, and one fewer old-school copy of Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy, which Terence swapped for a pound or two of yummies back in the day.
I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star.
I am Life, and the giver of Life; yet therefore is the knowledge of me the knowledge of Death.
AL II: 6

CURRENT MOON about the moon

Another reminder to be careful what you ask for - you may get it


This is one of the most interesting charts I have ever seen

It takes a lot of pain for a 12th house or 1st house moon or sun natal placement to ask for help

As far as your chart goes, I noticed a couple of things that stood out to me

1) You have a Grand Cross aspect in your natal chart. This is a most difficult aspect, referred to as "your cross to bear" in this life. It will not be easy for you ever. You chose this for ultimate soul growth. You will grow a lot from your painful and difficult experiences if you choose to learn from them.

2) Chiron is conjunct your son. Chiron symbolizes our wound, he is the wounded healer. This is the place in your chart where you will experience that woundedness. For you it is conjunct your sun, it is part of who you are, your very soul purpose

I do see your moon and sun as indicators of someone who withdraws to heal

You have missed too much happiness in your life

Since Pluto is squaring your Venus and Pluto is in the 7th house. Pluto likes to take control....and being in the house of relationships this can cause a lot of problems when your partner doesn't want to be controlled
The Sun was in your twelfth house at the time of birth. This may indicate a life full of limitations, obstacles, and human opposition

You have tremendous self- control and reserve, and are often too independent. In love as in all other areas of your life, you are ultra-cautious. There is usually a practical reason for initiating any relationship. However, once committed to someone, you are most dependable and trustworthy

The key to a more harmonious existence lies in sharing your thoughts with the people you are close to

Your awareness of yourself is influenced by your momentary feelings, and this perception is subject to rapid changes of mood and emotion. In time, you will learn to understand why you react as you do to various situations, and then you can begin to change your response patterns and take more control of your life

Others sense your lack of emotional self-sufficiency and tend to get involved in your personal affairs, even if you try to prevent it. You express your sensitivity through an emotional need to nurture and be nurtured by others. While you would like to have guidance and supervision concerning your goals and objectives, it would be better to achieve your aims independently so that you will not feel obligated to others

The advantage of this position lies in your ability to sense other people's needs and desires

In fact, you have a calming effect on people who are under stress, and this makes you ideally suited for working with the public

You are a mass of contradictions - making demands on people but complaining when they do the same to you; expecting others to make overtures to you and withdrawing when they do. Although you are highly imaginative, you react to stimulating people in a generally negative and critical way

On the surface you are independent, but you yearn for a quieter role in which you can enjoy the comfort of knowing that someone really cares for you. This can only happen when you lower your defensive barriers and learn to compromise by meeting people halfway

You must be attentive to the possible presence of several challenging elements in your intellectual make-up such as depression, fear, and severity

Internally, you are quite different from the way you present yourself externally

O mother, without the Guru,
Divine knowledge is not obtained.
Man without knowledge wanders around,
weeping and crying out in various ways,
but the Lord of the World does not meet them.
The body is tied up with emotional attachment, disease and sorrow,
and so it is lured into countless reincarnations.

"If the words 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' don't include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on."
~ Terence McKenna

I write to express my feelings, and to dance with you, from my inner soul

Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it." --Andre Gide

I'd like to meet:



You may not remember the time you let me go first. Or the time you dropped back to tell me it wasn't that far to go. Or the time you waited at the crossroads for me to catch up. You may not remember any of those, but I do & this is what I have to say to you: today, no matter what it takes, we ride home together

"Man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to it's original dimensions." -oliver wendell homes


Yeah somebody always walking out
Whether it be me or you
But before you go let me lay it on you
Say they call me a Capricorn
And that mean that no man in the world
Can let go of this Capricorn
See you know why?
I got something for your mind, your body
Your soul, your intellect
Whatever you choose
Check me out
I'm surprised to see your suitcase at the door
Remember the good times, don't you want some more
It's not a perfect love, but I'll defend it
Cause I believe that's whats intended now
We got love too good to throw away
It's not over between you and me
It's not over, don't want to be free, oh
What has been joined
Let no man put asunder
Can't throw it away
I can hear those words spoken, understood
Making bonds through love, if times are bad or good
I'm convinced that what is meant to be will be
Even the stars declare that you belong to me
Can't throw it away, no


Rave is simply a natural step in an evolutionary process of trance throught dance. In ancient times the human animal would beat on a hollow log for hours, even days, in order to free the mind from the survival orientated thoughts of the day, thus allowing for abstract visions for the individual, while creating emotional bonds within the group. The tools have changed, yet the function remains the same. We dance the tribal rhythms of our ancestors while clebrating technology and all it does to enhance our scope of living. George Storm, raver
What is the guarantee that our minds are naturally designed to sense the "true reality"? Perhaps there is no guarantee. If this concept seems weird, consider a far-fetched example. Imagine a creature or phenomena that has been lurking among us since the dawn of evolution. If our ancient ancestors died every time they perceived the phenomena, evolution would favor creatures who did not perceive the creatures or phenomena. One might counter this argument by saying that our modern instruments, such as X-ray machines and cameras, should be able to make the creatures apparent to us, even if our unaided sensorium is not up to the task. Reasoning further, because our instruments have not made these realms apparent to us, the realms must not be real. However, perhaps our traditional instruments and theories are also not up to the task. Or perhaps our interpretation of the instruments' results is incomplete. Perhaps DMT is an instrument.
As a metaphor, consider infrared goggles. A person leans on a tree. At night, we don't see the person. Put the goggles on, and a new reality results -- a truer reality -- and we see the man. Similarly, is it possible that our brain is a filter, and the use of DMT is like slipping on infrared goggles, allowing us to perceive a valid reality that is inches away and all around us?


Psychedelic visions expose spatial relationships
and glistening shapes that span dimensions.
They're the Silly Putty of reality
The nature of reality is this:
It is hidden, and it is hidden,
and it is hidden.
Q: Hey ....this is an odd question. I've heard that magic mushrooms can stunt or affect the growth of the penis. Is this true?
A: We've never heard this particular rumor. We know of no evidence to suggest that any active constituent of psilocybin-bearing mushrooms affect normal penis development. It is certainly possible that after an experience with these mushrooms, one's perception of one's penis size could be altered, but there is no reason to believe that there is any physical impairment.
Status: Teaching understanding the light by knowledge of the dark...
Here for: Yet to be revealed...
Orientation: Getting right side up again.
Hometown: Wherever I can smile...
Ethnicity: Dark Angle...
Religion: The new World Church of Unmitigated Misunderstanding
Sign: Triple Capricorn with grand crosses...
Education: None better than being alive.
Major: Understanding through misunderstanding...
Occupation: Giver of Dreams
ayahuasca churches: For hundreds of years, mainstream Christians have been expected to communicate with God through intermediaries of their churches. God, it seemed, stopped addressing us personally 2000 years ago. Well, the ayahuasca-based chruches cut out the middlemen.

My Blog

Going to Burning Man?

Posted by VEHANA on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:00:00 PST

When I Think...

I see the thick red blood surrounding meEverytime I close my eyesAfter slowly falling to my deathStanding high up on a ledgeLooking so far downLaughing at the face of deathAnd crying thinking about t...
Posted by VEHANA on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 05:12:00 PST

2013 - Coming Times - Bee

BEE Apprenticeship A white flower blooms in a magic garden. This lovely white flower is the heart of the human soul. Bee is associated with mystery schools and sovereign matriarchal communal groups. ...
Posted by VEHANA on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 03:45:00 PST

CDC says gonorrhea is drug-resistant (news story)

CDC says gonorrhea is drug-resistant The sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea is now among the "superbugs" resistant to common antibiotics, leading U.S. health officials to recommend wider use of a...
Posted by VEHANA on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 06:33:00 PST

Ramblings 2012 / Nashville / and other Stuff

Mayan prophecy says our alignment with the center of the galaxy in 2012 will open the stargate technology long lost to our civilization. When this stargate opens, a new matrix will create and with thi...
Posted by VEHANA on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 05:42:00 PST

2013 - Coming Times - 2012 Serpent/Sacred Math/New Light

Consider all of unrecorded time. Imagine early twilight in the ancient world. Showers of brilliant cloud-stars are flung like jewels across the heavens. Now imagine the sound of your footsteps as you ...
Posted by VEHANA on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 06:28:00 PST

2013 - Coming Times - Tobacco

TOBACCO  Truth      Thirteen is the numinous heart of sacred geometry and is a number that has great importance in ancient astrology and prognostication. The number thirteen r...
Posted by VEHANA on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 05:24:00 PST

2013 - Coming Times - Moth

MOTH Inner Light      A wondrous moth story is told about a shining one who came to Earth to realign the calendar. This was an actual event that took place in the days of human sa...
Posted by VEHANA on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 08:22:00 PST

2013 - Coming Times - Scorpion

SCORPION Retribution      Beware. Scorpion throws curves in a major scale. The signature of twelve symbolizes cosmic winds and the laws of celestial symmetry. Twelve is the lost w...
Posted by VEHANA on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 04:33:00 PST

2013 - Coming Times - Horned Snake

HORNED SNAKE Precious Jewel Horned Snake carries the energy of the fifth day of divination and follows the path of the Cosmic Serpent; Damballa. There is an ancient story that tells of the mysterious...
Posted by VEHANA on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 03:19:00 PST