"Time is the interval between idea and action. An idea is for self-protection obviously; it is the idea of being secure. Action is always immediate; it is not of the past or of the future, to act must always be in the present, but action is so dangerous, so uncertain, that we conform to an idea which we hope will give us a certain safety." Krishanamurti
Had a benefit for Prop H on Oct 9th and the turn out was amazing!!! DJ's, breakdancers, a few live performers and one sick graphic designer all came together in support of 100% clean energy for San Francisco and thank you for that truly. There was a write up in the Bay Guardian about Prop H and our event too. Tons of people are asking me when I plan to do it again and the answer to that is I'm not sure. But maybe again one day in the near future. Currently, PG&E is not only paying off politicians in SF but also spent close to $5 million to get Prop H not passed to ensure their continued contract to supply the entire city of San Francisco with dirty energy.Renewable Energy for SF is a no brainer. Its just a matter of getting the word out. Vote this Nov 4th.
Maria aka Dovey. Wed. night jam sess @ Keola's. cds of beats my friends made freestyles about Pho and its ingredients open mic nights @ Royal
Welcome to Dongmakgol. Zeitgeist. Death Proof. Ikiru.Kamakaze Girls. Favela Rising. Life Aquatic. Wedding Crashers. Everything is Illuminated. The Usual Suspects. Half Baked. The Exorcist. The Last Unicorn. Willy Wonka and the Choclate Factory. Reservoir Dogs. The Godfather
no thanks
"The individual is a local entity, living in a particular country, belonging to a particular culture, particular society, particular religion. The human being is not a local entity. We are everywhere. Keep in mind the whole not the part, because in the greater the lesser is, but in the lesser the greater is not." Krishnamurti in Freedom From The Known