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SPECTACLE "DE QUOI PARLENT LES FILLES?" du 5AVRIL AU 30 JUIN 2007 www.dequoiparlentlesfilles.frDjaka starts theater at the age of 8 and dance at the age of 10.She will practice MODERNJAZZ for about 10 years.In 1997, at the age of 15,she s part of the FESTIVAL of young talents and of the FESTIVAL at the Kremlin-bicetre in 2000.this same year and under the direction of Claudia Stavisky, she becomes the witty ANITA of WEST SIDE STORY in the famous theater of THE CHATELET and in front of more than 1700 people. On the other side, she keeps dancing and experiments new styles like HIPHOP or SALSA. At the age of 17, she decides to leave and spend a year at SKYLINE HIGH,an artistic school near SAN FRANCISCO where she gets to play the lead part Count DRACULA and where she even performs in the musical THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS. During this year,she travels to NEW YORK and participates in WORSHOPS with actors from The Lion King, Aida, 42nd street,... She s also part of DANCE FESTRIVALS and grows up more and more with her singing thanks to THE GOSPEL CHOIR she is in. Back to Paris, she decides to go to FAME, a school that allows her to continue her complete formation to her eyes(theater-dance-singing) and who even offers acting classes using the camera and the famous STANISVLASKI ACTING METHOD. Then,in 2003, she is accepted at the ESCM(Superior Musicals school )and has the opportunity of working with great teachers,actors and singers like VINCENT HEDEN or OLIVER PROBST withwhom she ll work as a stage manager assistant. In 2005, she starts working on her project:"DE QUOI PARLENT LES FILLES?"/"WHAT DO GIRLS TALK ABOUT?"( written and performed by Djaka herself and celine Beeckmans, stage by Eliane daoud.The play has been performed in several theaters of Paris sometimes for more than 3 months and even in HONGKONG for the french Community and has been an incredible success everywhere. Djaka is now working on this play, she has masde some commercials too, like a spot for TAILLEFINE-DANONE or even teasers like the one for PARIS CINEMA,the festival of film of 2007.This year, she s also been in an independent movie directed by EDOUARD CARRION and called "THE RIVALE".

I'd like to meet:

BIG ALI AND THE GIRLS!!!!C est a l age de 8ANS que Djaka Souare fait ses 1ers pas sur scene en commencant les cours de theatre;2 ans plus tard,elle se tourne vers la DANSE et suivra des cours de MODERNJAZZ pendant environ 10ANS.Des 1997,elle participe au FESTIVAL DE JEUNES TALENTS DU THEATRE DE LA VILLETTE puis en l an 2000 a celui du THEATRE DU KREMLIN-BICETRE.Cette meme annee et sous la direction de CLAUDIA STAVISKY, elle incarne la virulente ANITA dans le celebre "WEST SIDE STORY" au THEATRE DU CHATELET et ce devant plus de 1700 PERSONNES... D un autre cote,elle s adonne toujours a la DANSE en experimentant de nouveaux styles tels le HIP-HOP ou la SALSA... Puis elle integre une école artistique aux ETATS-UNIS à SAN FRANCISCO ou elle obtient le role principal de "DRACULA" et joue meme dans la comédie musicale "THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS";elle passe aussi par NEW YORK et assiste a de nombreux WORSHOPS en compagnie des comédiens du "LION KING",d "AIDA","42ndSTREET", etc...Durant cette année, elle participe a de nombreux FESTIVALS de DANSE et s 'épanouit de plus en plus dans le chant grace a la CHORALE GOSPEL dont elle fait partie. De retour a PARIS, elle s inscrit a FAME,école qui lui permet de continuer une formation artistique complète à ses yeux(theatre,chant,danse) et qui lui propose meme des cours de CINEMA,dans lesquels elle s initie à la celebre methode STANISVLASKI. Puis à la rentréé 2003,elle est acceptée a l.E.S.C.M.( Ecole Sup' de COMEDIE MUSICALE) ou elle a l opportunité de travailler avec des personnes telles que VINCENT HEDEN ou meme OLIVER PROBST dont elle sera l'ASSISTANTE A LA MISE EN SCENE pour le projet de fin d'etudes. En 2005, nait le projet" DE QUOI PARLENT LES FILLES?" (écrit et joué par DJAKA SOUARE et CELINE BEECKMANS et mis en scene par ELIANE DAOUD.A l affiche du Theatre de la CAHETTE Paris 13eme;et meme precedemment a l affiche (mars 2007) du CAFE-THEATRE"LE RIDEAU" a...HONG KONG!!!,elles connaissent un succes incroyable d avril a juin 2007 au THEATRE LA COMEDIA, Paris 11eme. En parallele, Djaka tourne qqes clips et pubs tels qu un spot publicitaire pour TAILLEFINE ou meme pour la BANDE-ANNONCE DE PARIS CINEMA 2007.


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