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ignacio gracian

About Me

Ignacio Gracián vive en Buenos Aires, Argentina, es compositor, guitarrista, instructor y artista multimedia. Toca guitarras eléctricas y acústicas utilizando la Nueva Afinación Estándar (Guitar Craft New Standard Tuning). Actualmente trabaja tambien en eventos públicos y privados como músico electrónico y VJ. Procesando, formando y deformando audio e imágenes en tiempo real, con software profesional. Es miembro de The League of Crafty Guitarists, realizando frecuentes giras por Europa y Sudamérica. Dirige el Círculo de Guitarras de Buenos Aires. Integró también el Ensamble de Guitarras de Buenos Aires, The Berlin Guitar Ensemble, Cereza Cuerda y AudioTransport. Acompañó al actor Omar Argentino Galván en su espectáculo "Solo de 1mpro" y al actor Marcelo Savignone en "En Sincro". Participó en la música para los libros "El Pulpo" (2005) y "Loser" (2006) de Ed & Andreu Martín editados en España y Francia. ............................................................ .................................................. Ignacio Gracián lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina and he is composer, guitarist, instructor and multimedia artist; he plays electric and acoustic guitars with the Guitar Craft New Standard Tuning. Nowadays, he is working as electric musician and VJ at public and private events . He works with sounds and images by processing, shaping and deforming them at real time with professional software. He is member of The League of Crafty Guitarists, performing frequent tours around Europe and South America. He directs the Buenos Aires Guitar Circle. He was part of the Ensamble de Guitarras de Buenos Aires, The Berlin Guitar Ensemble, Cereza Cuerda and AudioTransport. He accompanied the actor Omar Argentino Galván in his play "Solo de 1mpro" and the actor Marcelo Savignone in "En Sincro." He participated in the music of the books "El Pulpo" (2005) and "Loser" (2006) written by Ed & Andreu Martin, which were published in Spain and France.

My Interests


Member Since: 5/3/2007
Band Website: ignaciogracian.com.ar
Sounds Like: Lo Que Vendra

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Record Label: independiente
Type of Label: Indie