Creating, Capturing and Cultivating Beauty.Performance ArtPoi, Fetish, Burlesque.PhotographyNature, Fetish, Manipulation, Spirit Photography.DivinationTarot, Rune and Pendulum. Scrying.Gem, Candle, Colour, Herbal and Aroma Therapy. Spell Crafting, Creating Charms & Talismans. Clairsentience, Empathy, Telepathy, Psychokinesis, Astral Travel, Remote Viewing.
Heff! :-) ....
My Rhapsody Playlist~*~ Drama by: Bard Lehel
Somewhere in time, Legend, Rock n Roll High School, Rocky Horror.
General Hospital, Lost, Survivor, OCC, Myth Busters, Most Haunted.
The Worm Ouroboros, Crones Book Of Words, Modern magick.
Me Familia